How to increase the level of intelligence?

The question of how to raise the level of intelligence is relevant not only for those who have a low IQ score. The human brain requires constant training and mental loads, and only such a rhythm of life allows it to remain sharp and sharp until old age. We will consider how to raise the level of intelligence.

How to raise the level of intelligence?

Increasing the level of intelligence is not a one-time action, but a constant work. It is in this form that you will get the maximum result. We bring to your attention a few habits that will help to develop the intellect stably:

  1. Play with your home in an intelligent game. Are you used to spending evenings in front of a television or a computer? Give it up in favor of intellectual games. There are a lot of such people now, and they are all very interesting and entertaining: for example, "Erudite" or "Elias". However, classical options are also suitable: backgammon, checkers, chess, Sudoku.
  2. Do creativity. Each person has his own makings: someone will easily learn to play a musical instrument, someone will easily master the art, and someone has always dreamed of writing poetry or prose. Engage in creativity every day!
  3. Scientists have proved that the development of the brain is associated with the physical development of the body - include sports in your schedule! Moreover, sport requires an understanding of the work of the muscles, and at the same time the principles of proper nutrition for athletes, which will also be a serious brain work.
  4. When you have a routine job, think about how you can improve its performance, make it faster and more interesting. Look for new approaches to any job.
  5. Try to visit new places as often as possible - for example, to look for new ways from work to home, on weekends, take a walk through the unfamiliar parks of the city, for tourist trips, each time choose a new place.
  6. Take the rule of at least 10 minutes a day to devote puzzles, puzzles and similar activities.
  7. Try your brain in fundamentally new areas. Try to penetrate into those sciences that had never been studied before, whether it be philosophy, architecture, the history of the peoples of Siberia, the biography of artists or the principles of the game on the stock exchange.

In addition, a high level of intelligence includes knowledge in various fields: sometimes spend time reading books on history or works of great classics. Such a complex work will not only develop the brain, but will also make your life more interesting!