How to develop sociability?

We all had to watch as one of the members of the company draws all the attention of the audience to their person. Around him are always groups of interlocutors who support the conversation with interest. What attracts people to him? Most likely, this is the development of his communication skills, which has reached a high level. Under communication skills we understand the ease in establishing friendly and business relations with people. This quality includes the ability to locate people , as well as skillfully conduct a conversation with any person, regardless of his position and age.

Types of people's communication skills

Conditionally all people can be divided into groups depending on the way they use their communication potential:

To determine your level of communication, answer the questions: how do you feel about new acquaintances, public appearances, upcoming meetings with old acquaintances. If you prefer to remain silent, and not express your point of view, then you are not very sociable and can face problems at work or in your personal life.

Problems with communication skills are solvable. If you get into a stupor with each new acquaintance or when you make a report, you will need psychotherapeutic help, if the violation is of an easy nature, you can deal with it yourself by training.

How to improve your communication skills?

First, say yes to communication. Communicate in your pleasure with neighbors, co-workers, acquaintances and strangers. Secondly, learn to see the positive aspects of any conversation, try to draw from it new knowledge or someone's experience. Use special trainings and exercises to develop the level of sociability.

Psychologists offer various exercises for communication skills. The purpose of these classes is to develop intuition in communication, improve communicative culture, build an attitude toward mutual understanding, develop skills of primary contact, and much more. Exercises can be collective and individual. Individual exercises include pronouncing speeches in front of a mirror, reading the same texts with different intonation colors, and others. Collective exercises are different trainings conducted in a group. For example, the training "Give the name of the situation" - the participants differentiate the situation played by the presenter, describe it and outline non-standard solutions.