Human psychology - gestures

Gestures and facial expressions give out deep feelings and thoughts of a person, which he wants to suppress in himself. In addition, gesticulation can become not only your unmasker, but also a trump card. If you learn to closely monitor yourself, and train certain gesticulations, you can successfully create the right impression on people. For example, the maneuver of raised eyebrows, which is very popular in the psychology of gestures, should be used in acquaintance to create a favorable impression.

Gesticulation and lie

The most popular in the psychology of gestures, of course, is the calculation of lies. We want to be able to lie and not get caught up in the hot, and also severely expose those who try to hang noodles on our ears.

When we do not really believe the interlocutor, we involuntarily touch the lobes of the ears (check whether the same noodles hang?)

And the liars touch the neck, unbutton buttons, collar collar. They also usually touch the dimple over the lips and the tip of the nose.

Contrary to popular belief, the psychology of the person's gestures and facial expressions is not necessarily a matter of running eyes and covered mouth. Often the opposite is true, and the lie, rather, should be calculated by atypical gestures and facial expressions. For example:

Sympathy and antipathy

Also in the psychology of a person's gestures, much attention is paid to sympathy and antipathy, namely, the calculation of the sincerity of the interlocutor's feelings.

In psychology, the following sympathy gestures are known:

Gestures of antipathy (boredom, irritation, aggression):

Male gestures

Women, as always, are interested in the most fateful question: "likes or dislikes." The ratio of potential MCH will help determine the psychology of the gestures of men.

If he likes you, the man will be given the following gestures: