Chlamydia in women - symptoms, diagnosis and best treatment

Chlamydia refers to infectious diseases of the reproductive system. In this case, often the pathogen affects other organs: the mucosa of the respiratory tract, the heart and blood vessels, the bone system. Let us consider in more detail how chlamydia occurs in women, symptoms of the disease, manifestations and methods of treatment.

Chlamydia in women - the causes of

Chlamydia in women is often associated with a reproductive system disease. Genital organs are affected more often. It is caused by anatomical features. Among the main reasons for the development of the disease, doctors call the absence of a regular sexual partner, promiscuous sexual relations. In addition, the development of pathology contributes:

How is chlamydia transmitted to women?

Once the diagnosis is established, the patients are often interested in the doctors regarding the pathogen pathway. Because of this, the question arises as to where the chlamydia from women comes from. The main route of transmission is sexual. From an infected partner, chlamydia during sexual intercourse goes to a healthy one. In this case, the localization of the pathological process in consequence of: the genital, oral, depends on the method of intimate communication. Among other ways of transmission:

  1. The vertical path is the second most common. It is said about it when the pathogen transits about the infected mother to the child. This is possible in the process of childbirth, the passage of the baby through the birth canal. As a result, newborn children develop chlamydial conjunctivitis, the mucous membranes of the lungs are affected. Doctors do not exclude the possibility of infection of the child and while in the mother's womb. But in practice this was not noted.
  2. Contact-household way is not subject to official. However, because of the highly contagious nature of the agent, doctors do not exclude the possibility of transferring the pathogen through general hygiene means, household items: toilet cover, dirty towel. It was found that chlamydia have high viability - they can keep activity up to 2 days in their underwear.
  3. Air-droplet - is typical for a form of pathology, such as chlamydial pneumonia.

Chlamydia - incubation period

Chlamydia in women infected with the pathogen, can not be detected immediately. This is due to the peculiarities of microorganism development. There is an incubation period - the time from the entry of the pathogen into the body, before the appearance of the clinical picture. On average, it lasts 14-30 days. So, when the pathogen is transmitted through the genital tract, the first signs of the disease are noted after 2 weeks. In the course of development of the disease, chlamydia is overcome by the following stages:

Chlamydia - Symptoms

When detecting chlamydia in women, the symptoms of the disease may be absent. The patient does not notice the changes, nothing disturbs her. Medics themselves indicate the absence of specific manifestations of the disease. Often, pathology is diagnosed with a regular preventive examination, smear analysis on bioflora.

Telling about how the clamidiosis is manifested in women, doctors distinguish the following symptoms:

Chlamydia in women, the symptoms of which can be hidden, causes a rise in body temperature to 37-37.5 degrees. This phenomenon is accompanied by a deterioration in overall well-being. According to statistics, in 30% of patients with detected clamidiosis, the disease is completely asymptomatic and is diagnosed with a comprehensive examination. This complicates the further process of therapy of the disease, in the absence of which chronic chlamydia develops.

Chlamydia - symptoms in women, the first signs

The first signs of chlamydia in women occur a month after infection. A woman observes a sharp increase in vaginal discharge, which has an unusual shade. Often they are painted in greenish color, contain impurities of pus. When vaginal infection occurs, the composition of the bioflora changes, bacterial vaginosis develops. Chlamydia develops in women whose symptoms are unknown to many. Directly because of this, the discharge can acquire an unpleasant odor.

Often, chlamydia in young women, whose symptoms appear after a short time after infection, begins with increased urination. Hiking the toilet becomes painful. A woman often takes this symptom as a sign of cystitis. When you go to a doctor, give a smear to the microflora, it reveals chlamydia. The following symptoms of chlamydia occur:

Excretions in chlamydia in women

Telling women about how clamidiosis manifests, the pathological discharge of gynecologists puts on the forefront. The girls themselves note a change in their structure, consistency, color and volume. The presence in them of a large volume of pathogens, changes the nature - they become mucopurulent. Chlamydia alter the pH of the vagina, thereby creating favorable conditions for the growth and reproduction of the opportunistic flora.

Analysis of chlamydia in women

Before taking the test for chlamydia, doctors collect a complete history of women. This helps to accurately determine the time of infection and the source. The most informative method for diagnosing this disease is PCR. It involves the discovery in the sample of the genetic material of the pathogen. This helps to accurately identify the microorganism, its quantity. Before treating chlamydia in women, they are prescribed:

Chlamydia - treatment

Treatment of chlamydia in women involves the use of antibacterial drugs. Immediately these drugs form the basis of therapy. The course of treatment with drugs lasts 10-14 days. The duration of therapy depends on the time of onset and the stage of the disease. In parallel with antibiotic therapy:

Treatment of chlamydia in women - drugs, scheme

Scheme of treatment for chlamydia is selected individually. The patient should strictly follow the prescribed course: to observe the dosage, the frequency of medication, the duration of treatment. Antibiotics for chlamydia are prescribed taking into account the presence of other sexual infections, chronic inflammatory processes. Among the most common antibiotic regimens are:

Candles for chlamydia in women

Speaking about what and how to treat chlamydia, gynecologists note the high efficiency of vaginal suppositories. This form of the drug is actively used in gynecological pathologies. Providing local action, drugs quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disorder, making it easier to feel. Among the effective suppositories for chlamydia - the Hexicon.

The drug is taken for 10 days, in the morning and in the evening a woman sets 1 suppository in the vagina. You can use the product as a prophylactic. Among the useful properties:

Among effective preparations in the form of candles, it is possible to note:

Consequences of chlamydia in women

Chlamydia trachomatis in women, in the absence of necessary therapy, often becomes the cause of diseases of the urogenital tract. Among the consequences of chlamydia:

Chlamydia in pregnancy

Chlamydia in pregnant women often becomes a consequence of the lack of special training, sanitation of the genital organs. In case of detection of the disease on a short period, doctors take expectant tactics (up to 14 weeks). In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, antibiotics are used:

Chlamydia negatively affects the processes of gestation, provoking such complications as: