Secondary immunodeficiency - causes and treatment of a dangerous condition

A dangerous disease, poorly treatable - secondary immunodeficiency. It is not a consequence of genetic predisposition and is characterized by a general weakening of the body and the immune system. Secondary immunodeficiency immunology defines as the acquired pathological disturbance in the work of the protective forces of our body.

What does secondary immunodeficiency mean?

If we consider in more detail the secondary immunodeficiency, what is it in adults, we can give a definition formulated by the section of general medicine, which studies the protective properties of the body and its resistance to external factors - immunology. So, secondary (acquired) immunodeficiency is a malfunction in the work of the immune system, which has nothing to do with genetics. Such conditions are accompanied by various inflammatory and infectious diseases, which are very poorly amenable to therapy.

Secondary immunodeficiency - classification

There are several types of classification of such states:

Classification of secondary CID by rates of progression:

In terms of breakage:

Still distinguish:

Forms of secondary immunodeficiency

In addition to the classifications considered, secondary acquired immunodeficiencies of spontaneous and induced form are also isolated. It is often possible to find AIDS as one form of this condition, but modern immunology more often mentions this syndrome as a consequence of the acquired IDS, the causative agent of which is HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). AIDS along with the spontaneous and induced form unite in a single concept secondary acquired immunodeficiency.

Spontaneous form of secondary immunodeficiency

The absence of a definite, explicit etiology characterizes spontaneous immunodeficiency. This makes it similar to the primary species, and more often it is caused by the action of a conditionally pathogenic microbiota. In adults, difficult-to-treat chronic inflammations are defined as clinical manifestations of secondary IDS. The most frequent infections are observed in such organs and systems:

Induced secondary immunodeficiency

Induced immunodeficiency is treatable and more often with the help of complex therapy it is possible to completely restore the functioning of the body's defenses. The most common reasons why secondary induced immunodeficiency occur are:

Causes of secondary immunodeficiencies

There are many reasons that cause the syndrome of secondary immunodeficiency and many of them the average reader does not even guess, because the majority of the concept of IDS is associated with something global and irreversible, but in fact, such states are reversible if it is not about the immunodeficiency virus rights. But even if we talk about HIV, then with this virus, many live to a very old age.

So, the reasons for the appearance of such states can be:

Secondary immunodeficiency - symptoms

A signal for immediate investigation of the immune system may be symptomatology, which is often evidence of problems. Signs of secondary immunodeficiency:

Secondary immunodeficiency - treatment

The question of how to treat secondary immunodeficiency requires detailed consideration, because not only health, but also, often, life depends on therapy. With frequent diseases against a background of low immunity, it is necessary to urgently consult a specialist and undergo a survey. If secondary immunodeficiency has been diagnosed, then it is not necessary to delay with the beginning of treatment.

Treatment of secondary ISD is prescribed depending on which link a breakdown is found in. During therapy, the first steps are taken to eliminate the causes of the disease. As a rule, these are the correct recreational measures after the operations, injuries, burns, etc., which have been carried out. If the organism is infected, the presence of bacteria, viruses and fungi will be eliminated with the help of medicinal preparations.

  1. When infections are caused by pathogenic bacteria, antibiotics are prescribed (Abaktal, Amoxiclav, Vancomycin, Gentamicin, Oxacillin).
  2. If pathogenic fungi have been found, antifungal agents are prescribed (Ecodax, Candid, Diflucan, Fungoterbine).
  3. Anthelminthic drugs are prescribed in the presence of worms (Helminthox, Centel, Nemosol, Pirantel).
  4. Antiviral and antiretroviral drugs are prescribed for the human immunodeficiency virus (Amiksin, Arbidol, Abakavir, Phosphazid).
  5. Immunoglobulin injections are used intravenously in cases when the body's production of its own immunoglobulins is reduced (Normal human immunoglobulin, Hyperimmunoglobulin).
  6. Immunocorrectors prescribe for different infections of acute and chronic nature (Cordizex, Roncoleukin, Yuvet, etc.).