Glycine - overdose

The drug that stimulates brain activity and regulates the nervous activity of a person can not be taken thoughtlessly. Overdose of Glycine is no less dangerous than the intake of toxic substances, although its consequences will make themselves felt much later.

Possible consequences of an overdose of Glycine

Many people consider Glycine to be absolutely safe, since the drug is an analogue of one of the amino acids produced by the human body. This is an aminoacetic acid derivative that has a pronounced neurolytic effect, that is, it improves the conductivity of the nerve cells of the brain and bone marrow, thereby regulating the CNS. In this case, Glycine normalizes metabolic processes, enhancing blood circulation. The scope of its application is very broad, here is a short list of the most acute problems that this drug can solve:

You, most likely, have already paid attention to the fact that almost all of the above disorders of nervous activity are characterized by increased excitability and inadequate psychic reactions. The fact is that almost all of them are associated with excessive adrenaline production. Aminoacetic acid has the ability to inhibit the synthesis of this hormone, which affects a number of side effects with an overdose of Glycine:

How many Glycine tablets lead to an overdose?

In the instructions to Glitsin there is no information about an overdose. There is no such information in the results of studies on the drug and described in the scientific literature. This means that even exceeding the daily dosage of the medication is usually tolerated by the patient without complications. Overdose of Glycine tablets makes itself felt not immediately. Since the drug is recommended to dissolve, putting under the tongue, for several weeks, it has a cumulative effect. When taking 1-3 tablets a day, a beneficial effect on the body is noted. Ischemic stroke and other acute conditions allow the intake of 3 g of active ingredient at a time, but such treatment is symptomatic.

If the glycine dosage is constantly increased, the body gets used to high doses of this amino acid and irreversible changes begin in neurons. Symptoms of a long-acting glycine overdose are the following reactions:

An overdose of Glycine Forte has the same symptoms. In this case, stop taking the medication immediately. It is not necessary to rinse the stomach.

It happens that a large number of Glycine tablets are taken in one step by adolescents in order to achieve a drug effect, or the thought of suicide. It is impossible to achieve this effect with the help of this drug. In the therapeutic practice, there were recorded cases of taking 25, 40 and even 100 Glycine tablets at a time without negative consequences for the body. Nevertheless, it is impossible to exceed the dosage indicated in the instructions, since it is very important to take into account the individual reactions of the organism. If to one person the huge dose of an amino acid did not damage, it at all does not mean, that as will carry to another.