Etmoiditis - treatment

Etmoiditis is one of the varieties of sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses), in which the mucous membrane of the latticed labyrinth, that is, the bone that separates the nasal cavity from the cranial cavity, is affected.

Distinguish between acute and chronic form of the disease, although the principles of therapy in both cases are similar.

Treatment of ethmoiditis with antibiotics

Since the inflammation of the latticed labyrinth is caused in most cases by a bacterial infection (much less often - viral or fungal), it is appropriate to use antibiotics to treat etmoiditis. Only the doctor prescribes them after a thorough diagnosis and taking the mucus for sowing. Among the broad-spectrum drugs are used:

After the results of inoculation, antibiotics of directed action are appointed depending on the type of bacterium.

Before treating the ethmoiditis with antimicrobial medicines, vasoconstrictive drops remove the mucosal edema in order to eliminate stagnation of mucus in the sinuses.

It is also useful to wash the nose with solutions of antimicrobial agents. For their introduction can be used so-called. YAMIK catheter, which creates a negative pressure in the nose, removes the contents of the sinus and fills it with medicine.

Surgical treatment of chronic ethmoiditis

If conservative methods of therapy do not bring the desired results, resort to invasive methods of treatment. In some cases, a puncture of the maxillary sinus is prescribed to ensure the so-called "sinus cancer". depot drug substance and act on the latticed bone "from the rear."

With the growth of edema, reddening and infiltration of the soft tissues of the century, they resort to endonasal opening of labyrinth cells - the operation is performed under anesthesia. If there are polyps, they are removed. Surgical treatment of chronic ethmoiditis, as a rule, is prescribed during remission. During an exacerbation, conservative methods.

Treatment of etmoiditis in the home

To get rid of the disease without the help of a doctor is impossible: the ENT must determine the nature of the inflammation and prescribe the appropriate drugs. If after 2 - 3 days the patient does not feel better, they put him in the hospital.

Treatment with folk remedies to overcome etmoiditis does not help - strong antimicrobial agents are needed, and t. The latticed bone is located close to the brain, you need to act quickly to prevent complications (encephalitis, meningitis, intraocular disorders). Supplement traditional therapy is appropriate inhalation with essential oils of eucalyptus and mint.