The result of a bite of a black-eared cobra

Thermophilic cobras on the territory of Russia are not found. But those travelers who choose hot countries with a damp climate can get a cobra bite.

On the African continent, black cobra live in the tropical zone. Its second name is the Indian spitting cobra. This kind of snake has a feature: the hole of the poisonous canal is located on the front surface of the tooth, and not below, like the rest of the reptiles. When attacking the blackened cobra, the muscles contracting the poisonous glands contract, and the poison flies up to two meters, falling into the target. At one time, the snake can make more than 20 lethal fluid emissions.

Consequences of a bite of a black-eared cobra

The most dangerous thing is that when a poisonous "shot" of a black-eared cobra is aimed at the eyes. And, if the poison on the skin in the absence of external damage to the epidermis is practically not dangerous, then the poison that has got on the mucous membranes is extremely dangerous for human health and life. Penetrating into the eyes of a poisonous substance causes a strong irritation and burning pain, because of what the victim can not properly respond and orientate. But even in the case when a person manages to escape, the poison that enters the cornea causes the strongest changes in the tissues. The terrible result of the bite of the black cobra is irreversible blindness.

In addition, poisoning with a reptile bite has the following symptoms:

In the most severe cases, when the respiratory center, which has undergone an aggressive attack by a snake, is paralyzed, it dies, a few hours after the bite, and when the poison penetrates directly into the vessel, the lethal outcome occurs within 10 minutes.

What should I do if I bite a black cobra?

If the poison of the black cobra hit the cornea, then:

  1. Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water.
  2. When biting a spitting snake, the wound should also be rinsed, treated with an antiseptic, covered with a sterile bandage. A tourniquet is placed above the bite site. It should be remembered: the tourniquet can not be kept for more than 30 minutes, as necrosis may begin.
  3. In order to slow the absorption of poison, cold or alcoholic lotions are applied to the bite zone, ice is applied.
  4. If you have with yourself antihistamines , then bitten give 2 tablets, in the absence of antiallergenic drugs, tea or coffee will do.
  5. To stimulate urination, diuretics are given.
  6. With the bites of cobras, corticosteroids are also used, for example, Prednisolone or Dexamethasone, which slow hemolysis.
  7. The effect of toxins reduces the injection of a large amount of ascorbic acid.
  8. The victim must be taken to a medical institution in a short time.

The most effective method of treatment is the introduction of serum from the bite of a cobra. Used for stings of Yamkogol species of snakes, to which and refers to the spitting cobra, a special polyvalent serum is very expensive - its cost is about 20,000 cu. for one ampoule. Therefore, it is so important when designing tourist trips to hot countries not to save on medical insurance. After all, life can be at stake!

If the serum is introduced in time, it is possible to avoid the saddest result after the bite of the black cobra, although even in this case the patient needs long-term therapy.

Attention! Sucking snake venom from the wound can only be in the case of full confidence that there is no damage to the mucous membranes in the mouth, there is no caries.