British kittens - character and care

British cats - a sample of grace and aristocracy. They are very beautiful, and their thick soft wool and want to constantly touch and iron. However, before you get a British kitten, you should carefully study the nature of these animals and the necessary care.

British kittens - a description of the breed and character

British cats are quite large with short dense hair, the color may be different, however we are accustomed to seeing gray British kittens. Cats of British breed can have hanging or standing ears. According to the rules, the British wool should be dense, thick with a clearly defined undercoat.

The nature of the British fold and ordinary kittens makes them an excellent companion and a real family member. Despite the dignity, which these cats show all their appearance, the British are very affectionate and kind, their character is not characterized by excessive aggressiveness. Especially attached to the owner or hostess, they are ready to literally follow them on their heels. These cats, however, will not be the best choice if you have very young children in your family, because they do not like excessive obsession and do not tolerate gross movements. In other respects, the character of the British is quite calm and peaceful.

Care for British kittens

Caring for the British does not cause much trouble and problems. The only "but": it is better not to let these cats out of the house, because on the street they can easily catch some hard-to-treat disease, which, perhaps, a normal cat would be moved much easier. Otherwise, the same devices are required for care as for other breeds: bowls for food and water (for water it is better to purchase a large capacity, since cats are very demanding for its freshness), scratching , carrying for visits to the veterinarian, tray. To the stern the British are unpretentious. But a sleeping place at once to purchase is optional, since this cat itself can find a comfortable place to sleep. Approximately from 1 month, care for a British kitten may include accustoming to the tray. Particular attention should be paid to caring for the beauty of wool. For this, it is better to use special shampoos for short-haired cats and brushes with rubber bristles. Such brushes are good for combing the coat of hair and, at the same time, take care of the undercoat, besides they have the effect of massage, which cat likes very much.