
The eruption of the volcano Krakatoa in 1883 in Indonesia was one of the most disastrous in the history of mankind. Before the explosion, Krakatoa Island was in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra and consisted of three stratovolcanoes, which "grew up" together.

Catastrophe of 1883

The volcano of Krakatoa has a long history. In the summer of 1883, one of the three craters of Krakatoa became active. Seamen reported that they see ash clouds rising from the island. The eruptions reached a peak in August, which led to a series of huge explosions. The strongest was heard even in Australia , at a distance of more than 3200 km. A column of ashes rose 80 kilometers into the sky and covered an area of ​​800,000 square meters. km, plunging it into the dark for two and a half days. Ashes drifted around the globe, causing spectacular sunsets and halo effects around the moon and the sun.

Explosions also sent into the air 21 cu. km of rock fragments. The northern two-thirds of the island collapsed into the sea, into a recently liberated magma chamber. Most of the rest of the island plunged into the caldera. This, in turn, triggered a series of tsunamis that reached Hawaii and South America. The largest wave was a height of 37 m and destroyed 165 settlements. In Java and Sumatra, the buildings were destroyed, and about 30,000 people were carried into the sea.

Anak Krakatau

Before the eruption, the height of Krakatoa was 800 m, but after the explosion it completely went under the water. In 1927, the volcano again became active, and an island emerged from the ashes and lava. He was named Anak Krakatau, i.e. child of Krakatoa. Since then, the volcano is constantly erupting. At first the sea destroyed the islet, but gradually the volcano became more resistant to erosion. Since 1960, the mountain of Krakatoa has been growing rapidly. At present, it reaches a height of 813 m. Geographical coordinates of the volcano Krakatau: -6.102054, 105.423106.

Current state

The last time the volcano erupted in 2014, and before that - from April 2008 to September 2009. Scientists from around the world are eager for research. Currently, a visit to the 1.5 km radius zone around Anak Krakatoa has been banned by the Government of Indonesia for both tourists and fishermen, and it is prohibited for local residents to settle closer than 3 km to the island.

Visit Anak Krakatoa

If you see where the Krakatoa volcano is on the world map, you can see that it is located between the islands of Java and Sumatra. Around a lot of resorts, and hence tourists seeking thrills. With the help of local rangers for $ 250 it is possible (not entirely legal) to visit the volcano. Krakatoa on the photo looks quite peaceful, but in fact from his crater from time to time flying stones and constantly goes steam. At the foot of the mountain, a forest grows, but the higher, the less chance for plants to survive. Constant eruptions destroy all life. The Rangers show a path along which you can climb about 500 m, it is covered with frozen lava. Even they do not go to the crater. Then they turn around and go back to the boat.

How to get there?

From Java on the ferry you need to come to the city of Kalianda. From the marina of Kanty, on the boat, get to the island of Sebesi. Here, if you want, you can find a man with a boat, who will undertake to become a conductor.