Ovulation Microscope

The ovulation microscope is a reusable device for determining the child-friendly and unfavorable days for the onset of ovulation based on the analysis of saliva composition.

This device can be used by a woman at home. The device for determining ovulation can be called a mini-microscope, because it is quite compact and looks like a small tube comparable in size with a bottle of mascara.

The principle of the microscope

The principle of the microscope is based on the determination of the change in the content of sodium chloride in saliva during different periods of the menstrual cycle. The amount of sodium chloride directly depends on the concentration of the hormone estrogen in the female body. In the first half of the cycle, its level in various secretions of the body, including saliva, grows, reaching a maximum value during ovulation, then its concentration gradually decreases.

Therefore, at different periods of the cycle the saliva sample will look differently under the magnifying glass of the device. During ovulation a linear-dashed structure of saliva is observed. This is the so-called "fern syndrome". In days unfavorable for conception, saliva under a microscope is a pointlike structure.

To determine ovulation by saliva with this device, in the morning on an empty stomach you need to apply a drop of saliva on the glass of the microscope and dry it. After that, you can analyze the result.

Reviews about the application of the microscope for determining ovulation are rather ambiguous. Someone using the microscope helped to accurately determine the day of ovulation and affect the onset of pregnancy, someone had a test at different periods of the cycle showing a fern-like structure, or did not show ovulation at all. It is believed that the effectiveness of this device is lower than that of similar tests for ovulation .

Therefore, every woman, having consulted with a doctor, should decide for herself what method of determining ovulation she chooses for herself.