Kerinci volcano

The volcano of Kerinci is the highest point of the island of Sumatra and at the same time the highest active volcano in Indonesia , which reminded of itself only recently, in 2013, causing serious worries for local residents.


The Kerinci Volcano on the map of Indonesia is located in the central part of Sumatra Island, in the province of Jambi, not far from the west coast and 130 km south of the city of Padang - the capital of West Sumatra. The volcano belongs to the Barisan Range, whose mountain peaks stretch along the western coast of the island.

General Information on Kerinci

Here are a few interesting facts concerning the volcano:

  1. Dimensions. The height of the volcano Kerinci reaches 3800 m, the diameter of its crater is about 600 m, the width of the base is from 13 to 25 km, and the depth is up to 400 m.
  2. Lake. A temporary reservoir formed in the northeast of the crater of the volcano.
  3. Composition. The basis of the volcano Kerinci is composed of andesite lavas.
  4. Neighborhood. Near Kerinchi is the Kerinchi Seblat National Park with amazing pine forests stretching to a height of 2500-3000 m above sea level.
  5. Eruptions. The last eruptions of the volcano Kerinci occurred in 2004, 2009, 2011 and 2013. In 2004, a column of ash from the crater Kerinchi rose to a height of 1 km, in 2009-2011 there was increased activity in the form of tremors.
  6. The first ascent. It took place in 1877 thanks to the efforts of Hasselt and Wess.

About the last eruption of the volcano Kerinci

On June 2, 2013 at about 9 o'clock on Indonesian time the last eruption of the active volcano Kerinci took place. Ashes were thrown to a height of 800 m. Residents of surrounding villages, fleeing from natural disasters, quickly left their homes.

Thick black ash covered several villages in the area of ​​Mount Gunung Tujuh, creating a threat of crop death on tea plantations north of the mountain. But the rain that passed a little later washed away the ashes, and the question of the safety of landings did not arise.

How to get there?

The road to the top of the volcano Kerinci takes about 3 days and 2 nights. The path lies through forest thickets, even in the dry season it can be wet and slippery. Be careful and be sure to use the services of a guide so you will not get lost. The route of the ascent begins in the village of Kersik Tuo, which can be reached from Padang by car in 6-7 hours.

The excursion route to the summit of Kerinci is laid in such a way that you can not do all the way, but climb, for example, only to the observation points Camp 2 or Camp 2.5 (this time it takes about 2 days and 1 night).