How to clean clothes from chewing gum?

When visiting places of congestion, there is a risk that gum will accidentally stick to your clothes. Unconcerned people leave it anywhere, not caring that a single rubber band can forever ruin someone's favorite clothes. But if this annoying incident happened to you, well, you need to get very upset. Knowing how to clean the clothes from the chewing gum, you easily part with the unwanted pollution.

How to wash the cud from the clothes?

There are several ways to remove chewing gum from clothing. Let's consider the most effective of them:

  1. Method of boiling . Lower the place to which the elastic band has stuck in very hot water and try to hammer it with a sharp object (nail file, knife or scissors). After the chewing gum separates, rub the clothes holding it under water.
  2. Tip: if a thing is prone to shedding, it's best to dip it in less hot water or just hold it under a tap with warm water. In this case, it is better to clean the stain with a toothbrush.

  3. Frost . Put the thing in a plastic bag so that the rubber band does not stick to the polyethylene. Pack a bag of clothes in a freezer and leave for 2-3 hours. During this time the gum will freeze and after getting easily it will separate from the fabric. Please note that the cud is to be separated immediately after removal from the freezer .
  4. Ironing . Put the clothes on thick paper so that the chewing gum is between the paper and the cloth. Now iron the contaminated area with an iron , exposed to the middle mode. The elastic band must be bonded to the paper and detached from the fabric.
  5. Solvents . Here you need to be very careful not to spoil the thing. As a solvent, you can use acetone, gasoline, white spirit. Clean the cotton wool with the selected product and wait for a couple of minutes. The chewing gum will then easily separate. To get rid of the rests of chewing gum and the smell of a solvent, wash the clothes in the typewriter.
  6. Hot steam . Treat the dirty area with steam. It will soften the elastic and make it supple to any physical influences. You can try to remove it with tweezers or cover with a special tool for removing labels.

If not one of the above methods did not help, and the chewing gum still remained on the clothes, then use the dry cleaning services. There, professionals will select the ideal way to remove contamination and return your clothes clean, ironed and fragrant.