Ripe Common

Herbaceous plant of the genus Cabbage is used in medicine to combat a variety of diseases. And useful substances are contained in all parts of the rape: roots, pods, stems, leaves and inflorescences. Despite the fact that the herb is often used to treat men, there is a fairly favorable effects of phytocoagulant and on the female body.

Properties of the Grass

First of all, in the leaves and stems of the plant there are components that can help with asthenic syndrome and chronic fatigue. These pathologies are accompanied by autoimmune disorders, which are often difficult to treat.

Acacia vulgaris has a soft effect on the body's defenses and blood composition, so for these diseases, infusion and decoction of dried and fermented herbs is an indispensable medicine.

Moreover, the plant has a very favorable effect on the genitourinary system. It is known that women are more prone to inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, urinary and gallbladder. The healing properties of the rape provide quick relief for cystitis, pyelonephritis, the presence of sand or stones in damaged organs or ducts. Elimination of the inflammatory process and associated clinical manifestations is due to diuretic and cholagogue properties of the herb, antiseptic and antibacterial effect.

The raspberry plant is an application

Recent research in the field of medicine and pharmacology has shown that the phytopreparation under consideration is shown when:

Drugs from rape can restore and normalize the activity of the nervous system, improve blood circulation and reduce blood viscosity, increase oxygen saturation of brain tissue. Sometimes these properties are used as restorative drugs after a stroke or transient ischemic attacks.

Grass - the application and recipes of folk medicine

For the treatment of epilepsy, diseases of the genitourinary system, liver or gall bladder, neurasthenia is recommended such a recipe for the use of plants:

  1. Shredded fermented raw materials in an amount of 20 g brew in 1 cup of boiling water, cover the dishes with a lid and leave for 3 hours. It is desirable to wrap the container with something warm.
  2. Strain the solution, slightly heat.
  3. Take 40 ml at least 4 times a day.

If you suffer from swelling, constant fatigue, hypovitaminosis, try to prepare the following remedy:

  1. Three tablespoons (without a slide) of dried grated herring of the rape are similar to the previous recipe.
  2. Strain the medicine, drink 50 ml, too, 4 times a day, be sure after eating.

In addition, to strengthen immunity , normalize water balance and reduce blood cholesterol, tea can be made from rape. Brew it, like a regular drink in a kettle, use 2 or 3 cups a day. To taste it is recommended to add honey, citrus, finely chopped apples or homemade jam.

Interestingly, the fresh juice of the rafts from the leaves is also very useful. This liquid perfectly helps against mechanical damage to the skin, small wounds, scratches or abrasions. Juice promotes healing, cell regeneration, disinfects tissues and prevents their infection. The further use of a juice solution with water as a washing of wounds, even purulent, allows to speed up their purification and restoration.

If you are not bothered by any disease, try adding fresh plant leaves to the salad. This will provide the body with the necessary vitamins, especially during the early spring.