Aphrodisiac for Women

In any romantic relationship between a man and a woman, physical intimacy is very important. But it happens that a woman does not feel the need for sexual contact and does not receive satisfaction. This can adversely affect the relationship with the partner. Therefore, this problem should be solved as soon as possible.

The doctor-sexologist G.I. Selyukov identifies a number of reasons for lowering libido in women, among these reasons - hormonal disorders. The doctor advises you to apply in this case to a specialist, as well as to review your diet, which should include products that affect the excitability of a person. Such products are called aphrodisiacs.

Aphrodisiacs are natural substances that can stimulate sexual attraction, including food, drinks and essential oils. This name came from the name of the goddess Aphrodite. Female aphrodisiacs are aimed at stimulating sexual activity in women and have a beneficial effect on their reproductive function, sensitivity and good mood. They can contain substances that promote the production of hormones by the female body.

Let's look at what products can be aphrodisiacs for girls:

  1. Seafood (caviar, mussels, shrimps, oysters). It is proved that seafood is the most powerful aphrodisiac.
  2. Fruits (banana, strawberry, mango, etc.)
  3. Vegetables (carrots, celery, asparagus, etc.)
  4. Chocolate. Perhaps, this is the most popular aphrodisiac for women. He is able to control mood, give pleasure and sensuality.
  5. Seasonings (vanilla, nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon)

These products can be used alone or as dishes.

Dishes of aphrodisiacs

Orange salad with celery:

Celery root, one orange, 1 st. l. sour cream and lemon juice. Celery should be washed, peeled and grated. The orange is divided into slices, add them to grated, sprinkled with lemon juice of celery, add sour cream. Mix everything, add spices, salt, sugar to taste. This salad goes well with a bird or fish.

Crab soup:

300 g of boiled crab meat 2 tbsp. fish broth, parsley, 3 fresh tomatoes, 2 tbsp. l of butter. Cut crab meat and pour fish broth, add parsley root, butter, and onion. Cook on low heat.

Every man should remember that even the most powerful aphrodisiac will not make him desirable for a woman whom he is unhappy with.