Cookies "Kiss" with cottage cheese

Fans of curd desserts are sure to be delighted with the following recipe - a gentle and crisp curd pastry "Kiss" will be an ideal treat for a cup of evening tea or morning coffee. Prepared such a cookie is not more difficult than the usual sand, and the taste and color is much more interesting.

Cottage cheese cookies «Kisses» - recipe

The cookie, according to this recipe, contains cottage cheese in the dough itself, and therefore it turns out to be heavy and moist, similar to the curd chew.



When the oven is warmed up to 180 ° C on duty, cover the baking tray with parchment and start working on the dough. If the cottage cheese is too granular, then wipe it through a sieve before connecting it with zest and oil. Put the butter, cottage cheese and zest into the bowl of the mixer, whip them for 5 minutes at maximum speed to get a homogeneous curd cream. Next, sift the flour with the baking powder, and pour the dry ingredients onto a creamy base. Mix the smooth dough by adding flour to the tablespoon, if it still sticks to the hands. Roll the dough on a sheet of parchment to a thickness of half a centimeter and cut it with a special cutting or a simple glass.

Sugar put on a plate and roll in it cookies from all sides. Fold the cookies twice in half and place on a baking sheet. "Kiss" will be baked for 32-35 minutes.

Cookies "Kiss" from puff pastry



Defrost and roll the puff pastry to a thickness of half a centimeter. Cut the dough layer into circles and in the center of each distribute a little pre-rubbed cottage cheese, combined with crumbs or drops of milk chocolate. Fold the dough round in half twice, and then grease with whipped yolk and sprinkle with sugar. Bake the dough according to the directions of the instructions on the package, but, as a rule, 23-25 ​​minutes at 185 degrees is enough for the cookies "Kiss" to be uniformly baked.

Cookie recipe "Kisses" with cottage cheese



Put the cold butter and flour in the blender bowl. Grind everything to the formation of crumbs, and then pour everything onto the table and knead the dough. Before rolling, leave the dough in the fridge for half an hour, and then roll to half a centimeter in thickness and cut into slices. Each of the circles lubricate with berry jam, put a little grated cottage cheese and fold the cookies twice in half. "Kiss" place on a baking sheet and bake for 15-17 minutes at 210 ° C.

While the cookies are in the oven, we have time to glaze. For a simple sugar glaze it is enough to combine sugar powder with vanilla extract and 3-4 tablespoons of milk. Pour the finished biscuit with the glaze and leave it to cool to room temperature before use.

The recipe for cookies "Kisses" with cinnamon



Before preparing cookies "Kisses" do not forget to bring butter to room temperature, then beat it with sugar and cinnamon. Separately, combine the flour and baking powder, and beat the cream cheese with the curded through curd to a creamy consistency. Now it remains only to combine all three mixtures together to get a dense and not sticky dough. Roll the dough into a layer half a centimeter thick, cut into individual cookies and roll each of them in sugar. Fold "Kiss" in half twice, place on a baking sheet and send to the oven for half an hour at 180 ° C.