The SWOT matrix

Economists and marketers are well aware of the SWOT analysis method, but it turns out that this technique is also suitable for personal evaluation. Here's how to make a SWOT analysis, what its capabilities are and how this method can help in achieving the goal, and we'll talk.

What is SWOT analysis for?

Before you understand how to create a SWOT analysis matrix, you need to understand when this method will be effective. In marketing, the SWOT matrix is ​​made by analyzing the activities of the enterprise, when a new product is brought to the market or when evaluating possible lines of the company's development. This approach will allow choosing the best direction of development, without adventurous experiences, which will save material and human resources.

And what can help personal SWOT-analysis? In principle, in any case. In everyday life, we often have to make complex decisions, choose between two equally attractive ideas, etc. in this case, the swot-analysis method can come in handy. If you think about it, we often use this method of analysis in our life, we just do not finish it. Most often this is due to ignorance of the essence of the method.

How to do a SWOT analysis?

In fact, swot analysis is an assessment of the shortcomings and advantages of the individual (situation, goods). Also in the matrix are indicated the threats and the possibility of implementing an idea. Actually, the name swot consists of the first letters of the names of the constituent matrix - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Treats. For the first time this term was used in 1963.

So, how do you conduct a SWOT analysis? First, you need to understand what you want to get as a result. For example, you need to choose one of the proposed vacancies. Then you must evaluate each of the proposed jobs. If you need to make a SWOT-analysis of a person (for example, you need to determine the most suitable path for development), then you should evaluate the qualities of the person you are interested in. Now we need to create a matrix SWOT. Write down all the pros, cons, opportunities and threats. The last point should be summarized, drawing conclusions from the information received. Let's take a closer look at how to compile the SWOT matrix to make a personal analysis to choose the optimal direction for further development.

  1. Let's start with your positive features. Write down everything that you can relate to this point. Write down all your talents, everything that you are good at. Pay attention to education, additional courses. Do not leave your personal qualities aside - maybe you are a great friend or a great organizer. Recall your achievements, which are especially proud of. Mention values, especially important for you, ideas that you would like to convey to other people.
  2. Now write about your weaknesses - be honest with yourself, but do not exaggerate. Maybe you are often lazy, but when you face a really interesting and difficult task, you activate and perform the task "perfectly." Or you really feel stress when talking to other people on the phone (personal communication, public speaking), try to overcome your fear, but so far nothing has come out.
  3. The next step is to evaluate your real possibilities. See what you can offer new, whether your work will be in demand. For example, you decided to engage in visual arts, but this has already been tried a thousand times by Impressionists followers of Vrubel. Therefore, study the market and check how your idea is innovative, to whom your talent will be interesting.
  4. The next step is to describe your capabilities when you reach a specific goal. Maybe you have acquaintances that you can use to achieve your goal. Or you know the weaknesses of your competitors, which you can turn in your direction. Maybe you clearly see a niche that no one has occupied (for example, in Russia art-rock is a new direction, which is developed by only a couple of groups). Your opportunities can relate not only to explicit creative professions, you can look at the activities of the company in which you work, perhaps you can offer it something new.
  5. Now you need to describe the problems that you see when developing in one direction or another. Look, who or what can give you real opposition. It can be specific people or your personal qualities.
  6. After receiving all the information, you need to make an analysis, develop methods to counter your competitors.

The method of the expanded SWOT-analysis is applied, in this case besides the standard matrix, it is also necessary to include forecasts for the future - possible actions of competitors, reaction of close people (consumers), etc.