Innovative management in personnel management - types and functions of innovation management

The management of personnel and the enterprise as a whole is a complex process. It is important to know not only the basics of psychology, but also to thoroughly study the concept of innovative management. Innovations in the management process in the near future will bring positive results.

The concept of innovation management

Management experts say that innovative management as a science is a multifunctional activity, and its object is represented by factors influencing new processes:

The essence of innovation management

It is known that innovative management is a process of regular updating of various aspects of the company's operation. It includes not only various technical and technological innovations, but also all changes for the better in completely different areas of the enterprise and in the management of the process of new knowledge. At the same time, innovations are usually presented as a process of improving the balance of the different spheres of work of an enterprise.

The concept of innovative management remains unchanged. For each manager updates will mean the destruction of the orientation of research and production personnel. Its task will be to unite many participants in this process, while creating economic conditions and a desire to work. Such innovative management is associated with different types of work.

Objectives of innovation management

This management, like the rest, has its own strategic tasks, and depending on this goal may differ. However, the main practical goal of innovation management is to increase the innovative activity of the enterprise. Such tasks should be accessible, achievable and time-oriented. It is common to share such goals:

  1. Strategic - connect with the mission of the company, its established traditions. Their main task is to choose the general direction of enterprise development, planning strategies , which are associated with the introduction of various innovations.
  2. Tactical ones are specific tasks that are decided in certain situations at different stages of the management strategy implementation.

The goals of innovation management are shared not only by level, but also by other criteria. So in content they are:

Depending on the priority of the goal is called:

Types of innovative management

Future managers are often interested in what kinds of innovative management functions exist. It is customary to separate such types:

Stages of innovation management

There are such basic stages of development of innovative management:

  1. Understanding the importance and necessity of future innovations by members of the administrative team. The need for an "ideological inspirer."
  2. Formation by the leader of his own team, which implies not a management team, but a group of ideological supporters from the collective of teachers. Such people should be technologically and methodically prepared for the introduction of innovations.
  3. The choice of direction in the development and application of innovations. It is important to motivate people and form readiness for new types of work.
  4. Forecasts of the future, construction of a special problem field and definition with the main problem.
  5. After obtaining the necessary results of the analysis and finding the main problem, a search and selection of the development idea for the next period takes place.
  6. Determination of actions in management with the purpose of realizing the idea developed.
  7. The process of organizing work for the purpose of project implementation.
  8. Track all steps to implement the idea to correct future actions.
  9. Program control. It is important to assess the effectiveness of innovation management techniques.

Innovative technologies in management

In management, the creation of new approaches is no less significant than technological innovation, since it is impossible to raise productivity only by increasing the quantity indicators. All innovations in the management positively influence the ways and effectiveness of the enterprise. There are examples when innovations in management could create very strong competitive advantages. Innovations in management allow to build up competent and effective work of the organization, to establish interrelation between divisions.

Books on innovative management

For future managers there is a lot of literature about innovative management in personnel management . Among the most popular publications:

  1. Kozhukhar V. «Innovative management. The manual " - examines the theoretical and practical issues of innovative management.
  2. Semenov A. "Innovative aspects of corporate knowledge management" - discussing the problems of corporate knowledge management.
  3. Vlasov V. "The choice of innovative strategy of the company" - a description of the choice of the main direction of the enterprise.
  4. Kotov P. "Innovative management" - a detailed description of enterprise management.
  5. Kuznetsov B. "Innovative management: a manual" - the methods of analysis and management of innovations are disclosed.