How to protect yourself from spoilage?

I would like to think that sorcerers, witches and magicians are somewhere there, in the grandmother's village. And here is a big city, where nobody cares about anything else. But, alas, the bigger the city, the more people and their thoughts . And from bad thoughts, people sometimes have big problems ...

Corruption and the evil eye are two similar ways to ruin your life.

Let's talk about how to protect ourselves by creating protection against sorcery and spoilage.

Aspen and poppy

This is the first way how to protect yourself from spoilage. To carry out the ritual of protection, you need to go to the forest and bring from there two aspen twigs.

Speak to them a prayer:

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit of God. Amen. I will go, the servant of God (name), blessing, I will go out, crossed, out of the house, from the courtyard by the gate. I'll cross the streets, thirty intersections. On the other side of the road, at the crossroads of thirty, there is a clear field, nothing grows on it, it does not blossom, it does not sow, it does not plow, does not rise, only the aspen crooked grows on it. Under that wasp sat the animal. Muzzle of a dog, a cat's tail, an eagle's beak, a human body. I am baptizing that animal with a cross, I'm tying it in a cast-iron chain. Sit, animal, to the end of the world! No you go to the Christian family! I close you with a holy word, I consecrate a holy psaltery. Amen for ever and ever. "

Put them in the Psalter for a week, then deliver, put in a vase. These twigs will protect the house from negative energy. In the corners of the kitchen, hang garlic, and take a handful of poppy in a clay dish. The poppy should be told the following:

"I'm taking a poppy with me, I'm with God, and you're like that. Turn away, enemy, marry, Satan, spirit unclean, get away from me. Whoever comes from the bad will go to Satan. "

This is a powerful protection against spoiling , which will only act against detractors. You need to use poppies when guests come to you.

Try to put them unnoticed in shoes on one poppy seed. If they wished you harm, when they left - everything they wanted, fell on their own head.