Thin endometrium and pregnancy

As is known, throughout the menstrual cycle of the endometrium, the uterus undergoes numerous changes in its functional state. Regulation of this process is carried out with the help of female sex hormones. So, right at the beginning of menses, the mucous layer of the uterus expands the basal membrane of the uterine cavity. After the menstruation is over, the cells of the basal layer, by dividing, give rise to the next generation of endometrial cells. In the presence of pathology, the thickness of the layer of these cells is sharply reduced.

Why is thin endometrium the cause of infertility?

Thin endometrium and pregnancy are two practically incompatible things. The point is that by the time of onset of ovulation, the thickness of the endometrium normally increases. This is necessary for the normal introduction of a fertilized egg into the endometrial mucosa. Then the process of intensive growth of vessels and formation of the placenta begins. It is at this stage that women with a thin endometrium experience problems.

After ovulation, the thickness of the endometrium is practically not increased. Normally, it should be 12-13 mm. However, in fact, for many women it is thinner. The reason for this may be:

How to determine the presence of this pathology by yourself?

Many women have no idea what the thin endometrium means and how it is treated. That is why, in most cases, when they hear such a diagnosis, they are only interested in one thing: is it possible to conceive if the endometrium is thin?

In order to timely establish the presence of pathology, a woman should know the main symptoms of it:

How are pathologies treated?

Some women, after learning about the pathology, think about how to build a thin endometrium . In fact, this can not be done. Therefore, with fine endometrium, IVF is performed. Those of the women who become pregnant with a thin endometrium, argue that this is perhaps the only effective method of conception in this pathology. In such situations, the main task of a woman is to save pregnancy, because she is pregnant. with a thin endometrium, there are cases when, due to a violation of the formation of the placenta, miscarriage occurs.