Borovoy uterus infertility

Infertility is a problem that is known to more than 10% of women of childbearing age, and in order to solve it and finally become a happy mother many resort not only to official medicine, but also to folk remedies.

Borovaja uterus - application at barreness

The queen is a herb, the infusion of which contains a wide range of useful vitamins, microelements and tannins. It includes vitamin C, zinc, manganese, as well as substances such as arbutin, hydroquinone, coumarins. They have a positive effect on the hormonal background, which in most cases is the cause of infertility in women , normalizes the menstrual cycle, stimulates the ovaries, positively affects ovulation. All this makes it possible to finally become pregnant. Often a woman receives a positive test result already in the next after a course of treatment with this herb. However, it must be remembered that the bovine uterus is a strong remedy, and therefore it is important to consult with specialists about its use.

Boron uterus in other diseases of the genitourinary system

The healing properties of the hog queen are not exhausted only by the struggle with infertility. It is also suitable for the treatment of other diseases. For example, the bovine uterus in polycystic ovaries traditionally helps to regulate the hormonal background, the boron uterus in endometriosis makes it possible to restore the state of the endometrium.

There are also data that this herb can affect the condition with functional disorders, for example, the bovine uterus helps with ovarian cysts, adhesions, adenomyosis, polyps, and obstruction of the tubes. However, often with these diseases, more serious treatment is needed, including surgical, so if the boron uterus is ineffective it is necessary

Equally important is the fact that the bovine uterus is also struggling with other problems, for example, it normalizes the condition of the digestive tract, helps with the treatment of diabetes, regulates the condition with mastopathy. Moreover, the bovine uterus is used for male infertility, allowing to restore fertility and significantly improve the quality of sperm.

Borovoy uterus - use and contraindications

The most important in the treatment of the hog-queen is to correctly dose the infusion and to conduct treatment with the courses. You can take it as a decoction, which you can make yourself from pharmacy grass, and in the form of ready-made infusions. Regarding dosages, it is necessary to consult with specialists, since they can vary depending on the severity and duration of the disease.

In addition, before starting treatment, you need to carefully assess the hormonal background. Often, women start infertility treatment with a boric uterus, without understanding its true causes, and the uncontrolled use of potent herbs exacerbate the situation, exerting a strong influence on the hormonal background. You can not combine the boron with other hormonal means.

Do not forget that a woman may have an allergy to the uterus or individual intolerance. If you feel unwell after taking the infusion or broth, then the next time you take it, you need to lower the dose and carefully monitor your condition. In case the situation has repeated, cancel the reception of the hog uterus.

Of course, treatment with a hog queen is not a panacea and it must be competently combined with the treatment prescribed by a doctor. However, many women know that tincture of the hog queen with infertility often allows to solve the problem and, finally, to become pregnant.