Can I breastfeed a sausage?

For lactating women, there are too many restrictions on food. It is generally believed that mom during lactation should only eat healthy foods, and she should forget her favorite food. Is it so? Not really. Of course, a woman's diet should be rich in vitamins and minerals, which are so useful for her health and for the proper development of the baby. But it is important that my mother still had a good mood, and therefore she needs to enjoy the food. She should not completely give up her favorite foods. Sometimes you can afford citrus, seafood, some coffee, red vegetables and fruits, but with the important condition that they do not cause crumbs to allergies.

In this article we will consider the question of whether a lactating mother can be boiled sausage.

In general, while your baby is under 3 months old - be careful in choosing food. Then gradually introduce your favorite treats into your diet. Ate - and watch for a crumb: if it feels good, then leave this product in your diet. The main thing is that the food you eat does not provoke an allergy in the baby.

Answering the question whether it is possible for the nursing mother to eat sausage, we want to remind that the products of industrial production have many harmful substances - preservatives, flavorings, taste enhancers, etc. Therefore, when breastfeeding a woman should not consume them in food in any quantity.

Rules to be followed

So, if you still decided that you will eat this product, first start eating a gram of sausage or sausage not on an empty stomach. If you have carefully observed during the day for the reaction of the crumbs and it is merry and healthy, then you can occasionally allow yourself the use of cooked sausage. Can a nursing mother eat boiled sausage every day? No. Let it remain a delicacy in your diet, eat it infrequently and in small quantities - not more than 50 grams per day.

Before you try a sausage or sausage, look at the composition. The responsible manufacturer must indicate whether there are dyes, emulsifiers and other chemical additives in it. Probably, it contains soy protein. Then Mom should refuse such a treat. Also, do not eat meat products, the composition of which you do not know.

Pay attention to the date of manufacture of sausage. Even if the product has not expired, be careful: after taking a not very fresh sausage you will not feel anything, but your baby, it is not excluded that he will feel unwell. At the first signs of poisoning, immediately call for an ambulance.

So, we discussed whether it is possible for the nursing mother of sausage and sausage. It should be remembered that modern industry produces little quality meat products. Do not also believe the ads and statements that the sausage contains natural meat. Give preference to cereals, fruits, vegetables, cottage cheese, low-fat boiled meat.

Thus, answering the question whether it is possible to eat boiled sausage to a nursing mother, we want to give advice - eat food that will benefit your baby.