Multinodular goiter of the thyroid gland - symptoms

Nodular goiter is a concept that unites a number of diseases, the characteristic feature of which is the presence of areas of expanded tissue (nodes) in the thyroid gland. A goiter can be a single-node or multi-node.

Multinodular goiter - causes and degrees of disease

The most common cause of multinodal goiter development is the lack of iodine in the body for a long time. Iodine deficiency can be associated with both insufficient intake of this element in the body, and with a violation of its digestibility. Additional factors that increase the risk of disease occurrence are:

In addition to iodine deficiency, the cause of multinodular goiter can serve as thyroid adenoma, malignant neoplasms, autoimmune and some inflammatory diseases.

According to the degree of enlargement of the thyroid gland, three stages of the disease are distinguished:

  1. Multinodular goiter 0 degrees - the nodes are very small, visually invisible and not probed. They can be detected only by accident, with ultrasound examination.
  2. Multinodular goiter of the 1st degree - the nodes are visually invisible, but are palpated.
  3. Multinodular goiter of 2 degrees - an increase in the thyroid gland is visible to the naked eye.

When performing ultrasound, multinodular goiter of the 1st degree is diagnosed at a thyroid volume less than 30 cm3 sup3, 2 degrees - with an organ volume greater than 30 cm3 sup3.

On the hormonal background, multinodular goiter is divided into two types: non-toxic and toxic (observed with increased thyroid hormone production).

Symptoms of multinodular goiter of the thyroid gland

Symptoms of multinodular goiter may differ depending on the cause that caused it, but in the initial stages of the disease in 80% of cases, there are no clinical manifestations.

In the future, seals in the thyroid gland can be palpated and become noticeable in the form of a protruding site on the neck. In the process of developing goiter, it can press on adjacent tissues and cause:

In the toxic form of the disease, there are:

If the development of multinodular goiter is caused by a lack of iodine, then symptoms can be added: