Tuberculosis of lymph nodes

Tuberculosis of the lymph nodes affects the lymphatic system and can occur both against the background of pulmonary tuberculosis , and be an independent disease. A typical manifestation of the disease are the tubercles, which, merging, form granulomas, transforming into caverns - cavities with fistulas in the lymph nodes. Most often, tuberculous lymphadenitis affects the cervical lymph nodes, less often axillary, supraclavicular and inguinal lymphatic ligaments are affected.

How is tuberculosis of lymph nodes transmitted?

The question that worries most of the people facing this disease: is tuberculosis of lymph nodes infectious or not? Phthisiatricians are unanimous in opinion: tuberculosis lymphadenitis is extremely contagious! There are several ways of transmitting the disease:

  1. Air-droplet - bacilli enter the body of a healthy person when communicating with a patient with an open form of tuberculosis .
  2. Contact - the transfer occurs through a common object environment.
  3. Intrauterine - the child becomes infected from the mother.
  4. Alimentary - bacilli are transmitted through infected livestock products. Prior to the application of pasteurization, infection with milk and meat from sick cows was the main cause of lymph node tuberculosis.

Predisposing factors for tuberculosis infection are reduced immunity and non-compliance with personal hygiene.

How to treat tuberculosis of lymph nodes?

The course of treatment of tuberculosis of lymph nodes is 6 months. For two months the patient takes the following drugs:

Then, until the end of the course, the patient only takes Rifampicin and Isoniazid.

In severe forms of the disease, steroid drugs are used. Tuberculous lymphadenitis is well treatable, but in exceptional cases, when drug therapy does not give the desired effect, a surgical operation is performed.