How to cure multiple sclerosis?

Today, multiple sclerosis is a real problem for young people. It affects mostly not the elderly, but those who are in the prime of life. Women are especially affected by this disease. On frequency of occurrence this illness takes the third place.

How is the disease?

Multiple sclerosis is a disease in which immune cells destroy their own kind. In this case, the victims are neurons, which leads to disruption of the nervous system. The main consequences of the disease are:

Ultimately, the disease can lead to paralysis, so it is very important to understand as quickly as possible how to cure multiple sclerosis.

Modern treatment of multiple sclerosis

Fortunately, today there are many methods of treating multiple sclerosis, more or less effective, relating to folk or traditional medicine.

  1. Preparations for the treatment of multiple sclerosis , helping to restore immune cells. Depending on the species are divided into immunomodulators and immunosupresents.
  2. Treatment of multiple sclerosis with stem cells . With the help of stem cell transplantation, one can get rid of the root problem by eliminating T-lymphocytes, which damage neurons in the spinal cord and brain. This new direction in the treatment of multiple sclerosis gives clearly positive results, although the consequences of such operations have not yet been fully investigated.
  3. Treatment of multiple sclerosis by bees . The sting of a bee contains toxins that can stop the course of the disease and stimulate a dozen positive reactions of the body. Treatment of multiple sclerosis with bee venom is an effective method, although it is not able to completely overcome the disease.
  4. Treatment of multiple sclerosis with herbs is also widespread. In this case, various infusions and decoctions of nettle , propolis, delphinium and others are prepared. Also, experts advise to include in the diet of the patient berries of black currants and gooseberries, a healing mixture of onion juice with honey, consume more fruits and vegetables, and even sunflower seeds. A very good effect is the treatment of multiple sclerosis by a mocker. The herb, called mordovnik sharogolovy or osot black, has healing seeds, which insist and drink a few drops a day. It is also useful to massage the numb limbs with this tincture.
  5. Hormonal therapy . Treatment of multiple sclerosis with hormones implies the use of glucocorticoids. This gives some positive results, but it can also cause harm to the body, since hormones have side effects. In addition, there are a number of studies confirming that a high level of sex hormones in men and women reduces the activity of the disease. When the age of hormones becomes less, the disease begins to rapidly progress.

As long as the causes of the disease remain unclarified, more and more new treatments for multiple sclerosis will appear. However, one remains unchanged. Even with the manifestation of the disease, it is not worth losing the meaning of life.

Positive mood, as the experience of many people, is able to stop the progress of the disease and thereby give the opportunity to live a familiar life. Also, adhering to proper nutrition and active lifestyle, you can as much as possible slow down the course of the disease.