Thuja - reproduction

Thuya is a decorative evergreen plant, which can be both a shrub and a tree. Brought to our latitudes thuya from East Asia. The plant, which has a dense thick crown, is now popular in many countries due to its unpretentiousness. Care for tui is very simple, it is easy to cut, creating the necessary architectural forms. Tuyu planted in industrial areas, along highways, in parks, as it has a beautiful appearance and cleans the air. Unfortunately, the variety of forms and species of this plant can be observed only in botanical gardens. On our streets most often there is a thuja western, which is distinguished by high endurance, unpretentiousness and frost resistance.

For the greening of cities, the reproduction of thuya is of great importance. The pyramidal shape of this plant allows you to create from the crown any fantasy landscape designer. For these reasons, you need to know how to competently reproduce thuya. It will be interesting and to summer residents. Methods of reproduction of the two are vegetative and seed.

Tui reproduction by seeds

Seeds propagate only species of thuja, for the reproduction of its forms it does not fit, because the thus obtained seedlings will lose their decorative properties. If compared with cuttings, then the progeny of thuya, obtained from seeds, is more hardy. The only drawback - reproduction of thuja seeds takes from two to five to six years. Ripe seeds in cones, and for sowing you can use only freshly picked and selected seed, prepared in a special way. Often it is left in the earth from autumn to be ravaged under snow.

It is not so easy to propagate with thuja seeds, as you know. To begin with, the collected cones should be placed in a warm place. In two or three days they will open up and give the seeds. They should be soaked for 10 hours in wet sand or in water. Then the seeds are lowered into the ground, covered with coniferous sawdust and covered with shields from the sun. In this case, the land must always be moistened.

In a year and a half you will be able to determine what kind of growth you have, because the columnar tuja can give both columnar and globular plants. And a year later your plant can have a height of up to 60 centimeters.

Reproduction of thuja by cuttings

More often at home, reproduction of thuja is carried out by cuttings, that is, vegetatively. Plant cuttings usually in the fall. Before multiplying thuju cuttings, in a room where the seedling will grow, it is necessary to increase the humidity to 70%. Young plants also need a lot of light. To do this, the hothouse cap must be transparent. That the process of decay does not begin in conditions of heat and high humidity, the room should be ventilated.

For the reproduction of thuja cuttings are selected lignified fifty-centimeter shoots, which are well rooted. Often cuttings are selected from coniferous plants, which have strong lateral shoots. Cuttings cut or severed sharply. Before planting seedlings in the ground, they are immersed in water for two hours, first removing all the needles from the bottom. To avoid decay, the remains of needles on cuttings should not touch the ground. Cuttings in the ground are immersed in two to three centimeters. The soil must consist of equal parts of river sand, turf ground and peat. To rid the substrate of pests and bacteria, it is disinfected with potassium permanganate.

Thuya excels in loamy, fertile soils in open areas. For a good growth, young plants need frequent watering, as well as regular fertilization of the soil. During the first wintering, the thuja should be sheltered by warm fir branches.