Geranium - reproduction by cuttings in water

Methods of reproduction of geranium at least two - seeds and cuttings. But it is mainly propagated by cuttings, and they need to be taken from healthy uterine plants. And this should not be an exuberantly blooming pelargonium, since cuttings often rot from it, and without giving roots.

Reproduction of room geraniums - the secrets of success

To prepare the uterine plant for cuttings, it is necessary not to let it bloom for a long time, breaking off the peduncles. For successful propagation, the room temperature should be approximately + 25 ° C. If it's hotter, cuttings can rot. Therefore, it is better to complete the period of vegetative reproduction of geraniums until July.

Before you take the cuttings, the uterine plant should be well watered to draw out all the contaminations with water from it - it should flow out of the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot and be transparent. After this, give her a couple of days, so that the land will dry out a little.

It is also necessary to make sure that there are no diseases or pests on the leaves and stems of an adult plant. When the cuttings are cut, you need to wait until the places of the slices a little dry.

Reproduction of geranium by cuttings in water is infrequent, many prefer to use different substrates or peat tablets. However, such a method has the right to exist. In this case cuttings should be placed in small cups or jars with soft purified water at room temperature.

It is best to do this between the end of February and the middle of May. Then, before the heat, cuttings will have time to give roots and they can be put in pots with soil.

To geranium in the water quickly gave the roots, you need a glass or a bank to wrap it with dark paper. Do not expose them to the open sun, let them be in the penumbra. Roots will appear in a couple of weeks if the stem is taken from a plant also grown by cuttings. If the uterine plant is grown from seeds, the rooting of the children will be slow, and maybe not at all.

When the propagation of geranium by cuttings in the cuttings already appeared rootlets, they can first be planted in a container of small diameter - then they will bloom more quickly. The land should be fertile, and in the bottom of the pot necessarily make drainage holes and lay a layer of expanded clay or other small stones.

When the initial pot will become too small for a grown plant, you can transplant it a little more. A sharp increase in the volume of the pot should not be, otherwise the geranium will not bloom long - until its roots are occupied by all the earth's space.