Remedy for ants in the garden

The fight against insects in the suburban area is a painstaking and complex process. Especially for a long time it is necessary to select effective means from ants. Conditionally, all existing methods for today can be divided into two types. Some are aimed at destroying the anthill itself, while the latter do not allow insects to reach the tree.

Effective against garden ants

It should be understood that it will not be possible to remove these insects in a couple of days and even weeks. The fact is that an anthill is not just a hill of land. This is a rather complex and well protected building, the main part of which is located deep underground. That's why it's just not enough to scatter the poison from above.

Because of the characteristics of the anthill, the ant-ants in the garden will be effective only in one case - when the chemicals will go directly to the larvae storage areas. So you will see the effect of the drugs only after a certain period of time. The means from insects themselves are produced in the forms: powders, granules and gels. It is enough just to leave it near the place where there is a large accumulation of insects (this method is suitable for granules and powders). The gel is usually treated with tree trunks.

Remedy for ants on the plot - protect the planting

So, preparations for the destruction of anthills you scattered around the site, now it is necessary to take measures to protect plants. All actions will be aimed at preventing insects and creating an obstacle for them. To protect trees and shrubs, the following ant-ante remedies are used in the garden .

  1. The so-called water barriers. This method is very convenient and use it most often for shrubs. We take the usual tire and cut it in half. We lay around the roots of the bush and pour water. Such an ants around the landing ants will not be able to overcome.
  2. Protect the trunks of fruit trees will help ordinary foil. From it they build something that looks like a skirt. The lower edge must be sharp, then the ants simply can not crawl through it and get to the landings.
  3. A very effective means of garden ants are considered to be ad hoc sticky belts. Approximately 80 cm from the ground, these belts are fixed on the trunks of fruit trees. Securing this miracle protection is necessary in the very beginning of March, then in September it is removed and put on a new one. This remedy perfectly protects against many kinds of insects and prevents them from reaching the tree crown and ripe fruit.

Folk remedy for garden ants

Some gardeners, even to the most tested and better means from ants, are treated with suspicion, since this is chemistry. If you use ready-made industrial products seems dangerous to health, then you have to deal with pests naturally. Here is a list of the most popular variants of folk remedies from garden ants.

  1. Since these insects do not like sharp smells, many summer residents use scraps of garlic for their repelling, they spread freshly cut sprouts of mint and wormwood . Goes even cinnamon and parsley.
  2. To destroy the an anthill use hot water. An anthill dig a little and then pour in a lot of steep boiling water.
  3. Boric acid remains a popular remedy. It is mixed into sugar, diluted in water with honey and even poured into minced meat. All this is laid out on the site in places where insects gather.
  4. As a means of ants in the garden used sugar syrup with the addition of yeast.
  5. Some prefer the "wedge-wedge" method and bring to the forest ant sector. After a while, black gardens leave and give way to larger forest brethren.