What kind of insurance to choose for a trip abroad?

Insurance is one of the required documents that you need to have when traveling abroad. In any unforeseen situation, it will become a guarantor of tranquility, and with its presence you can easily issue a visa. What insurance abroad exists, and what to choose - learn from this article.

Types of travel insurance

When traveling abroad, you will encounter two types of insurance:

  1. Insurance for tourists - TCD.
  2. Insurance for vehicles - green card.

Without these important documents, you are not allowed to travel to foreign countries, especially for traveling by car. However, some countries do not have strict requirements for insurance. For example, Turkey will accept you without such a document. However, for Europe, the availability of insurance is mandatory.

But even if insurance is not necessary, it is worth considering that in case of trouble you will spend a huge amount for treatment, since all in the same Turkey medical services are very expensive. In addition, you and your family without insurance will be left alone with their problems.

What is the best insurance for traveling abroad?

Thinking about what kind of insurance to choose in Turkey or in Europe, you need to be guided by such parameters as: