Oatmeal for weight loss

We all know about the benefits of oatmeal - it also accelerates the metabolism, and is the most useful breakfast, and is rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. The only thing that keeps us from its frequent use is that this dish is quite high-calorie. However, you can solve this problem by making not porridge, and oatmeal jelly for weight loss. Benefits - like porridge, and caloric content - much lower!

Can I lose weight on a kissel?

Kissel, yes even oatmeal - the dish is quite light and satisfying at the same time. In addition, it perfectly satiates and permanently eliminates the feeling of hunger, it also perfectly cleans the entire gastrointestinal tract from toxins and harmful substances. Due to the fact that the digestive organs start working correctly, the metabolism is accelerated, and as a result, you will be much more effective in discarding the accumulated kilograms than before.

Of course, jelly with a diet is primarily to drink not as a supplement to your usual menu, but as a substitute - for example, instead of a second breakfast and dinner. This approach by the end of the first week of application will provide you with an unprecedented ease in the whole body, which will be a pleasant bonus to your weight loss.

Oatmeal for weight loss: an ancient recipe

Such a kissel for weight loss would be prepared by our ancestors. They considered this drug so curative that they took it as a medicine: twice a year, with a course of one month. It is not very easy to cook such a dish, however, after several trainings, this process will no longer seem daunting.

So, to prepare, take a three-liter jar and rinse it thoroughly. In it, put 300 grams of oatmeal - it's cereals, not cereals like Hercules. Add a spoonful of good sour cream, half a cup of yogurt, a slice of rye bread and a half liter of water. If you do not like too viscous drinks - water should be poured more than indicated (at least for 1 glass).

This is just preparation, and it will last for a few more days. Close the jar with several layers of gauze and put it in a warm place - for example, a battery. If heating at this time of year does not work, you can wrap the jar in a blanket or a fur coat. After three days, the kissel will sour enough and will be ready for cooking. Strain it, pour it into a saucepan, and, stirring all the time, cook until the liquid becomes viscous. When the kissel boils, remove it from the fire - your delicacy is ready!

It should be taken in half a glass 20 minutes before each meal. Such a diet with kissel, according to the old tradition, should last a whole month, after which you will probably be able to evaluate the results.

Kissel from oats for weight loss: additional funds

Oat jelly for weight loss is only an aid, and if your lifestyle and food system are too wrong, then it can help you not so much as you would like. To speed up the process of losing excess weight, it is necessary not to overeat and generally adhere to a healthy diet:

Taking such simple measures, you will be much easier to lose the accumulated weight and feel lightness in the whole body.