How to grow mushrooms in a dacha - the best proven ways

Have you ever thought how to grow mushrooms in the country? Sounds exotic? And there is. So far only one is doing this. However, why not try a new occupation, there is more that it does not require a lot of financial injections, no significant efforts. In this case, you will be able to harvest incredible crops without the competition of the same mushroom pickers and tedious trips to the forest. Having thoroughly mastered a new section of gardening, you can even set your harvest for sale.

How to plant mushrooms in the country?

There are several basic ways how to plant mushrooms in the country:

  1. Use of mycelium taken from the forest. During the gathering of mushrooms in the forest, you noticed that the fungi mostly grow near the trees. In these places the soil is simply lined with their mycelium. All you need to do is carefully transfer a piece of this mycelium to your site. At the dacha for the distribution of mycelium, you need to create conditions similar to the conditions of growth of mushrooms in the forest, from where you brought them. You will need a special substrate, the role of which can be sawdust and straw. Having placed a mycelium on the selected plot of the garden, it is necessary to cover it with straw and take care of its good hydration. In 2-3 weeks you will get your first harvest.
  2. Transfer to the dacha of an infected mushroom tree (chocks, hemp). This method is no less common. It also does not require much effort. The only possible problem is the transfer of not only good fungi, but also poisonous ones. This should be strictly monitored. In a place where you plan to place a stump or log, you need to create the most comfortable conditions for mushrooms - shading, humidity.
  3. Use of spores from dried mushrooms. For this it is necessary to collect old hats of mushrooms in the forest, dry them, crush them and evenly scatter them on their plot. Regular moistening of the soil will soon give its results - mushrooms will begin to appear in your dacha.

Equipment for growing mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms, which are sold in stores all year round, are grown by the production method in large quantities on special installations. You can master their breeding in the conditions of even a small barn or cellar. Someone makes a home-based business out of this, and some simply have enough to provide themselves and all their loved ones with mushrooms for their own consumption. How to grow mushrooms in the country?

A set for growing mushrooms looks like this:

Which mushrooms can be planted in the country?

Almost any forest mushrooms can be successfully grown at their home site. The most common mushrooms in the country are:

How to grow mushrooms mushrooms?

Champignons can be grown in bags, boxes, on a bed. A richer harvest will yield cultivation in artificial conditions, that is, in sacks or boxes. In addition, so you can better control diseases and pests, simply isolating the infected containers. So, to the question of how best to grow mushrooms at home, the answer is to create suitable conditions indoors.

To grow mushrooms of a simple straw or sawdust substrate will not be enough. You will need a quality compost, consisting of perepremshuyu straw and seeds of rye or wheat. It can be purchased from agricultural organizations. To it, you need to add horse manure (up to 80% of the total) or mullein. Suitable bird droppings, but the yield of mushrooms will be lower. In this substrate, a mycelium is laid at a rate of 400-500 g per square meter.

So, how to grow mushrooms in the country? Laying mycelium in bags with a substrate, you need to wait 3 days, then make 5-6 slots in each bag and leave in the dark at a temperature of + 18-20 ° C. Already after 2-3 weeks in the slits there will be the first mushrooms. At this point, you need to transfer the bags to a ventilated and round-the-clock illuminated room with a temperature of + 20-27 ° C and high humidity (70-95%). Champignons will grow to their proper size in 3-4 weeks. Collecting their harvest, you need to move the bags back to a dark room, where they will begin to grow again after a week.

Growing of white mushrooms in the country

The king of mushrooms in success grows on a well-prepared plot. How to grow these mushrooms in the country? To grow them, you can use one of the methods described above - the transplantation of mycelium, the planting of mycelium (including purchased mycelium), dispersion of spores. These excellent forest mushrooms in the dacha grow near the trees, where you need to remove a half-meter layer of earth to decompose the compost, lay seeds, mycelium or mycelium and cover them with a layer of leaves. The site with mycelium should be periodically watered. In winter, the mycelium should be strewed with compost and covered with film if necessary.

How to grow oyster mushrooms in the country?

For cultivation of veshenok you will need a set, voiced above (substrate, mycelium and bags). The question remains open: how to grow mushrooms, which room is better for them to equip, how to moisten them, etc. The room for the chicken should be closed, dark, with a constant temperature of + 22-25 ° C and humidity of about 95%. After 20-30 days after the start of cultivation, the temperature in the room should be reduced to + 12-18 ° C.

Airing and moisturizing are essential conditions for growing oyster mushrooms. To do this, you can put a bucket of water in the room and install a fan. Lighting for 12 hours a day can be provided with fluorescent lights. After collecting two harvests of oyster mushrooms from one sac, the substrate must be replaced. The yield rate from 10 kg of substrate is 3 kg of mushrooms. For a year, substitution of the substrate is 4-5 times on average. It turns out that from every square meter of your mushroom "plantation" you can collect about 80-100 kg of mushrooms.

Growing chanterelles in the country

How to grow chanterelles in the country - you ask. To do this, you need a mycelium that sprouts into the roots near the growing trees. Often it is an oak or beech. Attempts to "make friends" chanterelles with garden trees are doomed to failure. If you do not have a suitable tree, you'll have to plant it. It is best to take in a forest a young tree with a ready mycelium in the roots. When digging up a tree, grab 15-20 cm of earth and coniferous litter. Plant such a tree in the penumbra, provide him with regular watering. In addition, it is not necessary to fertilize the soil - all the necessary mushroom chanterelles will take from the roots of the tree.

Growing oily in the country

It is most convenient to breed this fungus by the method of mushroom picking. Often they grow between young pines - this is the site of forest land you need to transfer to your dacha. How to grow butter on the cottage: these mushrooms it is important that the soil was rich in lime. The lighting of the site selected for planting should be moderate, with indirect sunlight. In droughty periods, a bed of oilers should be watered abundantly. The first harvest will appear 3-4 years later.

Opencki at the cottage

If you are new to the issues of how to breed mushrooms in the country, start with a simple - breeding sprout . In the forest, they grow on stumps and half-rotten logs. You just need to transfer something from this to your site. Another option is to sow the mycelium on the stump stump present in the garden. Optimum, if it is a stump of beech, aspen, poplar, willow, oak or ash. Place for their cultivation should be shady and moist. The first crop after planting the mycelium can be expected after 1-2 years.