How many times does a lilac bear fruit?

Lilac is a tree or bush of the Olive family. It blooms in May-June, depending on the variety and climatic conditions. Flowers can have a color from white and light purple to violet. They are collected in an inflorescence type of a complex brush (panicle). They do not fall off for a long time, they have a strong and pleasant aroma.

It begins to bloom and bear fruit from about 4 years of age, although in some varieties this can happen later. The fruits of lilac are of the type of a dry two-nested box in 1.5 cm long. It contains several elongated seeds which, when the box is opened, fall off and, thanks to the presence of wings, fly away from the mother plant.

The ripening of lilac fruits falls on autumn - about September-October. Reproduction occurs with the help of seeds, stems from stumps and root offspring. Seeds germinate immediately after harvesting, but it is recommended to plant them a month before the onset of frost.

How many times does a lilac bear fruit?

Those who are interested in the question - how many times in the life of the lilacs bear fruit, should know that it fructifies annually once a year, and since under favorable conditions can live up to 100 years, in its entire life it produces fruits of the order of 90 times, starting from the moment of the first flowering.

Of course, such long-livers are a rare phenomenon. For example, there is an officially registered specimen of a 130-year-old lilac. And in the Askania-Nova park there are several 60-year-old plants.

Collection of seeds and reproduction of the plant is due to the fact that the plant is extremely attractive. It is used as a decorative, as well as soil-protective plants on slopes regularly subjected to erosion. The natural habitat of lilacs is common - the Balkan Peninsula, Bulgaria and Serbia. However, since the 16th century it has been cultivated throughout the former USSR, in Central Asia, Siberia and the Far East.