How to draw a snowflake?

We all know from school that snowflakes are frozen crystals of water. There are a lot of them, but you can not find two identical ones. However, all snowflakes have one thing in common - they have a regular hexagonal shape. Snowflakes with three or even twelve peaks are very rare, but there are no pentagonal or octagonal snowflakes in nature. Let's find out how you can draw a snowflake.

How to draw a simple snowflake in pencil?

For drawing, we need a simple pencil and a ruler.

  1. Snowflake you will get smooth and beautiful only in the event that all its rays will be located symmetrically. First, draw a vertical line and two diagonal lines, located at the same angles. All three lines must intersect at one point. It will be the rays of a snowflake.
  2. The next step is to draw a crystal form of a snowflake. Around the intersection of lines draw a small circle. Now, from the center of the circle, mark with the ruler the same segments on the rays of the snowflake. Connect the dots with lines, and you will get a hexagon. A little deviating from the top on each ray, draw a short strokes parallel to the sides of the hexagon.
  3. Now the rays of the snowflake should take shape. To do this, you must connect the ends of the lines to the center with the lines. And connect the same segments to the endings of the rays. Thus, the edges of the snowflake will look like sharp swords. So we drew the main contour of the snowflake.
  4. The next step is drawing snowflake details. The pointed edges can be decorated along their entire length in short strokes. Middle paint in the shape of a flower. The main thing is to observe the symmetry in the pattern. Only then you will have a beautiful snowflake.
  5. As you can see, it's not difficult to draw a snowflake. Very often they are painted, and then they cut out and decorate the room before the New Year's holidays. If you do not do this, you can slightly obscure your drawing either with a simple pencil or with a blue one - this snowflake will be much more beautiful.

How to draw a beautiful snowflake in stages?

  1. A beautiful snowflake can be drawn, starting from the same three intersecting lines. Only to them can be added shorter segments, extending from the circle at equal distances from the main rays.
  2. You can draw a snowflake in the form of a feather. To do this, draw the rays of the snowflake on both sides with short strokes. Let closer to the center of the strokes will be shorter, in the middle of the rays they will be the longest, and to the edges of the snowflake - again short.
  3. Each ray of a snowflake can be turned into a spruce twig with the help of not only strokes, but also other figures - circles, rhombuses, rectangles. The ends of the rays can also be decorated with circles.
  4. Leave the drawn snowflake white or paint it blue. And you can draw and cut a snowflake from colored paper.

How to draw a snowflake for children?

  1. There is another way how to draw a beautiful snowflake. For this we use the compass and draw a circle. Inside it, draw one more, smaller diameter. Through the center of the circle we draw three intersecting lines.
  2. Over each ray, "build" the roof, dividing the snowflake into sectors. Around the center draw a small double hexagon. The roof over each ray must be connected by two concave lines with this hexagon.
  3. Within each sector, you can draw the same, only smaller in size. The hexagon, located in the middle of the snowflake, is decorated with small triangles. It remains to draw a rhombus inside each sector, and decorate them with small petals on the outside. So our beautiful snowflake is ready.

You can also suggest drawing baby animals, for example, a sheep - a symbol of this year.