How to cook tiramisu at home?

Tiramisu is a classic Italian dessert that is cooked all over the world. In the classic version it is made from Savoyardi cookies with mascarpone cheese, it is famous for its lightness and magnificent gentle taste. And if you want to surprise your loved ones with something original, we will teach you how to prepare a real dessert of tiramisu with mascarpone at home.

Cake tiramisu at home



Separate yolks from proteins. Proteins put in the refrigerator to cool, and in the yolks add sugar, vanillin and half Amaretto, mix with a mixer. Add mascarpone to the cream. Take chilled proteins, add a little salt in them and whisk them very well. You can check the readiness of proteins by turning the container over, if nothing falls, then the proteins are ready. Now add them to the cream and gently use a spoon to move from bottom to top.

In the coffee, add the rest of the Amaretto, each dessert dip in this syrup and put it in a split form, put the cream on top and sprinkle the cocoa abundantly. Repeat the same procedure with cookies, cream and cocoa again. Put it in the refrigerator for 6 hours. When serving the cake, remove from the mold and lightly sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Tiramisu without mascarpone

One of the main ingredients of tiramisu is mascarpone cheese, but it can not be bought everywhere, and it is not cheap. Therefore, we want to offer a recipe for dessert tiramisu without mascarpone and now tell you how to prepare it.



Whisk the cooled cream with a mixer until it becomes thick. Curd creams and gradually enter into the cream. In this variant of cooking tiramisu without mascarpone, the cream is more dense and less permeates the biscuits, so it must be more thoroughly soaked in coffee. Spread the cookies in a mold, top with a layer of cream. So we make 2 balls, and from the top we sprinkle abundantly with cocoa powder. For final preparation dessert should stand in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours.

Berry baby tiramisu



Beat cream at medium speed until thick consistency, so that they do not flow. Beat yolks with powdered sugar in a not very wide bowl to a light smooth foam. Mix the Mascarpone cheese until smooth. Now combine all three ingredients in one bowl, add the vanilla sugar and gently stir at a low speed.

Biscuit cut into thin plates, take molds or cups and cut them biscuits of the desired shape, 2 pieces per serving. Lay them on the bottom and soak them well with juice. In a cream add a handful of berries of a bilberry and at mixing some of them crush to give a cream a characteristic color. Place the cream mass on the biscuit and cover with a layer, cut into strawberry plates. Close the second biscuit, again soak it with juice. In this form, the dessert should be held in the refrigerator for at least three hours. Take the tiramisu from the refrigerator, turn the molds and remove the frozen dessert. On top decorate the remnants of the cream from the confectionery syringe, pritrusite powder, decorate the quartered strawberries and sprigs of mint.

Savoyardi cookies

In this recipe we will tell you how to cook savoyardi cookies - one of the two main ingredients for tiramisu. It is the basis of the famous Italian dessert. This recipe is very simple, the main work is done with a mixer, because all ingredients should be very well whipped. Thanks to this, the cookies will turn out to be light and airy. This product is stored for a long time in a closed container.



Whisk the proteins with a pinch of salt in a thick foam. Yolks mash to white with sugar. Sifted flour gradually add to the yolks. Gently stir the dough into squirrels. Bake oil sheet and sprinkle with flour. Oven heat up to 150 degrees. Confectionery syringe (or a plastic bag with a cut off corner) is filled with dough and squeezes a stick about 10 cm long on the sheet. Top with sugar powder. Bake for 20 minutes.