Forged wickets

As the theater begins with the wardrobe, so the entrance to the courtyard of the private house begins with the gate. It would seem that the special - the usual, by and large, door. But! The gate is a kind of visiting card of the house, a pass to the narrow world of an individual family. Therefore, each owner tries, to the best of his ability, to make the entrance to the territory of his estate beautiful and presentable. Among the many types of wickets, its uniqueness, elegance, and reliability and durability are forged wickets.

Forged products - gate

Due to its strength, reliability and high decorative metal forged wickets have always been considered one of the best. At present, such wickets are also in high demand. Although the pleasure is not cheap, but the end result is worth it. As for any decoration product of the site, and for wrought iron gates, there are several selection criteria. But first it should be noted that forged wickets for external execution can be divided into several types - through, deaf, using only individual elements of artistic forging. Through forged wickets, as the name implies, is a "transparent", if one may say so, or permeable fabric, as a rule, decorated with original, intricate drawings. Such wickets, rather, perform a decorative function than the enclosing. For the reliable protection of the entrance to the site, deaf wickets are best suited. Outwardly it is the same wrought-iron gate, but the decorative elements of it are as if they are on the background of this or that solid canvas. As such a background cloth, which is attached in one way or another to the frame of the gate, a wide variety of materials can be used - sheet metal, corrugated board, polycarbonate, wooden board. Deaf wickets can be one-sided - forging is located only on one side, and bilateral - forging is located on both sides of the background. The wicket can be made entirely from the same corrugated board or sheet metal, and for more decorative it is decorated (as a rule, from above) with one or more decorative forged elements . For example, blind wickets with the use of a wooden board as a background canvas are often made with forged elements such as massive door (granary) hinges and door handles in the form of rings.

Now, in more detail, how to choose a wrought iron gate. First of all, one should be guided by the general design of the enclosing structures (fence), the material of their manufacture. The fence and the gate must be made in the same style. As a rule, the wicket is made in a more decorative design, and the fence is decorated only with individual elements, the appearance of which echoes the elements of its design. If the main material of the decorative design of the farmstead is a tree, then this material should also be used for the wicket (see above - a blind wicket).

Beautiful forged wickets

It is only natural that a question may arise where to buy a wrought-iron gate. It will not be a special problem. If you do not claim a special exclusive wicket, then these products can be purchased in large building supermarkets. But a unique wrought-iron wicket will have to be ordered individually - it's a good thing that at present workshops on artistic forging have been revived. You can be offered several variants of beautiful forged wickets, which are made in this workshop, or you will make a wicket for your sketches.