A sign is a butterfly in the winter in the house

In winter all insects sleep in the cracks of tree bark, in underground burrows and other shelters. And butterflies in this respect are no exception. And it is even more surprising to meet a winged beauty at a time when frost is raging in the street and snow is falling down. Many are interested in what the butterfly in the house means in the winter and what signs are associated with it.

Butterfly in winter - a good sign or bad?

In the spring, summer and early autumn, the appearance of a butterfly in the house is treated as a good sign. These harmless and beautiful insects have never been perceived negatively by people. It was believed that this is the souls of the dead ancestors, having acquired a new look. But in winter a living butterfly is nonsense, a mistake of nature. So, and the attitude to it will be different - alert or even hostile. Therefore, the signs connected with the butterfly that appeared in the house in the winter could be good and bad. Everything depended on how the insect looked and how it behaved.

Why does a butterfly appear in the house in the winter?

If you have a butterfly in the house in the winter, and you do not know what it is, look at its color. A rich reddish "peacock eye", yellowish "lemon grass" or an insect with predominant pinkish-orange tints in the color of the wings is a good sign. Hence, in your home will come prosperity. It is especially good if the butterfly does not try to leave the apartment, does not fly to the windows, but sits somewhere in a corner or willingly flies to people. If this is a patterned "hives" or a specimen with bluish-greenish wings, then I expect interesting events and news, usually favorable, ahead of you. If the moth suddenly appeared in the house with black, brown or ordinary-gray wings, then wait for trouble. Such an uninvited guest should be sent out to the street, gently opening the window. And in any case, do not let him sit down on someone from the household, or the person will fall ill.