Than to treat a strong rhinitis and zalozhennost a nose?

Difficulty of nasal breathing with thick mucous secretions is an indispensable sign of SARS and ARD . For adequate symptomatic therapy, it is important to choose correctly, than to treat a severe runny nose and nasal congestion, given the cause of pathological symptoms. It is also necessary to combine local and systemic effects, especially when combining acute rhinitis with purulent inflammatory processes.

How much of the chemotherapy drugs to treat a very strong runny nose and nasal congestion?

In traditional medicine, preference is given to drug solutions for intranasal administration. Such drugs are classified into separate groups, each of which performs special functions.

The most effective means in drops from a strong cold and nasal congestion:

1. Vasoconstrictors:

2. Moisturizers:

3. Antihistamines:

4. Antiviral and combination:

5. Antibacterial:

6. Homeopathic:

7. Hormonal:

The following tablets are used as systemic medicines:

Strong specific drugs (antibiotics, hormones, antihistamines, antiviral) are selected only by the otolaryngologist.

How to treat a strong runny nose at home with folk remedies?

The most effective method of eliminating nasal congestion is a drop on the basis of juice from the leaves of aloe . It is important that the plant is at least 2 years old.

Prescription for a cure for a cold


Preparation and use

Mix all specified ingredients in a glass container. Bury the solution 2-3 drops in each nostril up to 5 times a day.

From chronic forms of rhinitis, a compress on the basis of honey and horseradish helps a lot.

Cake recipe for nasal congestion


Preparation and use

Combine all the components, form a flat flat cake from the resulting mass. Apply a compress to the bridge of the nose, with a strong burning put cake through gauze.