Cetrin - side effects

Today on the shelves of pharmacies a huge number of drugs from allergies, quite popular among them is Tsetrin. This is not surprising, since the drug helps most clinical manifestations of the disease, including rhinitis, dermatitis and angioedema. But one should be careful when taking Zetrin - side effects affect all vital body systems and often provoke complications.

Contraindications to Cetrin

Do not use this medicine with increased sensitivity to its active ingredient - hydroxysin, as well as to any of the auxiliary components (starch, dimethicone, lactose, titanium dioxide, povidone).

It is not recommended to take Cetrin during pregnancy, while breastfeeding the baby. Contraindication is also an early age (up to 6 years).

Side effects of medication Cetrin

As already mentioned, the drug produces negative effects on almost all organs.

From the side of the cardiovascular system, patients notice a strong tachycardia and an increase in blood pressure (hypertension).

The gastrointestinal tract also suffers.

The following violations are also observed:

Side effects from the central nervous system include:

In addition, during the application of Cetrin, the appearance of pharyngitis in the acute form, arthralgia and myalgia, unexplained pain in the joints and muscles, the feeling that twists the limbs, allergic reactions. The last symptom is expressed in the form of hives or rashes (small red pimples), angioedema, skin itching, irritation, dryness and peeling of the epidermis.