Honey in early pregnancy

Women expecting the birth of a baby, are forced to make certain changes in their lives and refuse to use many of their favorite foods. It is for this reason that some future mothers from the first days of pregnancy stop eating honey, mistakenly believing that the products of beekeeping can harm an unborn baby.

In fact, this is far from the case, and honey during pregnancy is very useful, both at early and late dates, however, it should be used correctly. In this article, we will tell you whether it is always possible to use honey during pregnancy in the first trimester, and in what situations it can be dangerous.

How to use honey in the first trimester of pregnancy?

In the products of beekeeping, and especially honey of different varieties, there is a huge amount of vitamins, amino acids and various trace elements that are responsible for the normal functioning and renewal of all system organs. This process is extremely necessary for the normal carrying of the baby, so honey is a very important and valuable product for pregnant women in the first trimester.

In early terms, it is recommended to use honey, which has a dark color and a fairly thick consistency, since it is in such varieties that the maximum amount of iron, copper and magnesium is contained. To eat this product should be in pure form, not heating, because under the influence of high temperature part of the nutrients in it is destroyed.

At the same time, honey is a fairly strong allergen, so it is necessary to limit its use to one teaspoon per day. In addition, it is necessary to take into account contraindications to the use of bee products during pregnancy, namely:

Finally, from the first days of the waiting period of the baby, inhalations with honey are categorically prohibited. This way of using this product can be very dangerous for the condition of the lungs and heart of the future mother, as well as the health and life of the fetus.