Snoop during pregnancy - 2nd trimester

Often in the period of bearing a baby a woman encounters such a phenomenon as a cold, which rarely goes without a runny nose, stuffiness of the nose. It is during this period that the question arises about the permissibility of using a particular drug. Consider a drug such as Snoop, and find out whether it can be used in pregnancy, in particular, in the 2nd trimester.

Can Snoop be given during gestation?

Active component of the drug is xylometazoline. This substance has a pronounced vasoconstrictive effect. This is why it is forbidden to use it during pregnancy. This is stated in the instructions. However, some mothers still use it to ease their condition. A lower concentration, 0.05% solution, is used.

In fact, there is no difference. In this case, more drug will be required to achieve the effect. This is very dangerous for the fetus, especially in the first trimester, when only the formation of the placenta occurs. With the narrowing of her vessels, the baby will not receive oxygen, which will lead to hypoxia.

Can Snoop be in the second trimester of pregnancy?

Despite the ban, some doctors at their own peril and risk allow a single use of the drug in the middle of gestation. At the same time they refer to the fact that the period is quite long, the blood flow in the mother-fetus system is adjusted.

In this case, in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, if urgently needed, Snoop children are allowed. However, this should be a one-time, no more than 1-2 days.

In order to facilitate their condition, doctors recommend using a harmless remedy - sea water, as well as preparations containing it. An example of such are Aquamaris, Salin. An excellent remedy for nasal congestion during gestation is Pinosol, which is produced on the basis of vegetable oils.