Bulgur - useful properties

Bulgur is partially processed wheat grain. Steamed, partially peeled, slightly crushed grain is necessarily "dairy" wheat. Some people confuse bulgur with wheatgrass or crushed wheat, but for the last two kinds of cereals used already ripe wheat grains - those that went to flour, and for bulgur it is necessary to milk. This difference and determines the useful properties of bulgur.

The composition of bulgur

In order to understand how useful our porridge, we must say about the composition of bulgur.

First of all, dairy wheat contains all the vitamins of group B, except for the "animal" B12. In addition, in bulgur there are many carotenoids, vitamin PP, E and K. As for trace elements, there is something to boast about:

True calorie Balgur will not please fans of "hungry" diets - from 340 to 360 kcal dry weight 100 g. Actually, like the carbohydrate content - 50-60 g per 100 g of weight. That is, one can safely conclude that bulgur is a very carbohydrate product. But this does not stop him from being useful!

This variety of wheat cereals helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increases immunity and removes harmful cholesterol. Since bulgur is a product consisting largely of polysaccharides, the croup reduces the sugar content in the blood, thereby for a long time satisfying the hunger.

In addition, Bulgur normalizes lipid metabolism, accelerates it and promotes active excretion of stool from the intestine. This is due to the high fiber content - 15 g per 100 g of product.

In addition to all this, this variety of wheat has a beneficial effect on the work of the nervous system - soothes and exerts the effect of a mild antidepressant. All this at the expense of incredible nutty aroma (which, by the way, and puts many on bulgur), which radiates porridge when you toast the grains in oil.

Bulgur and losing weight

Of course, like any "useful" carbohydrate, bulgur is suitable for use during weight loss. True, this does not apply to cases with low-carbohydrate diets (do not forget our wheat is very carbohydrate).

However, bulgur can be an ideal addition to any balanced diet. As a side dish, or a component of the main course, breakfast or dessert - bulgur is always the way.

Bulgur has a relatively low glycemic index - only 48, while macaroni from the highest grade 85, and from the coarse flour - 50. That is, in any case, this croup is more dietary, even compared with the "good" pasta .

It is pleasant this kind of wheat during losing weight and thanks to the fact that it is possible to cook a variety of dishes from it.

Bulgur, in general, is used in southern and eastern civilizations - from Greece, Armenia to China itself. If we speak in a simple way, bulgur is appropriate in all dishes, where we use rice. They put him in the dolma, cook pilaf, stuff vegetables, add them to soups, etc. Almost always, it is fried in oil, like rice for risotto. It is necessary to use butter, only in this combination bulgur will reveal all the charm of its nutty aroma.

Bulgur for Beauty

We all know about body scrubs for the face and body from coffee. In the same way, you can get a scrub from bulgur. In addition, by mixing the rump with any essential oil, you can make yourself an effective anti-cellulite massage under the shower.

Make yourself a mask from wrinkles around your neck. To do this, mix honey, 1 egg and boiled bulgur in equal proportion. The mixture is applied to the face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and moisten the skin with moisturizing cream. So you need to spend 12 procedures daily, preferably after a shower, when the pores on the skin are well opened.