Is it possible to cut hair to pregnant women?

Many women expecting a child, probably heard about such a gesture that during pregnancy you can not cut hair . This is one of the most common superstitions among pregnant women.

What are these superstitions based on and what should future moms do-all pregnancy to go with unkempt hair or do you regularly visit a hairdresser?

Let's try to figure out - to get a haircut or not to get a haircut during pregnancy.

Signs and superstitions

Some signs say that hair can not be cut throughout the entire pregnancy, others argue that it is not necessary to shorten them just before delivery.

In olden times, hair was considered to be the main conductor of man's vital forces. It was also believed that the hair does not just carry energy, through them the soul descends to the baby. And, if the "channel" overlaps, then life stops.

Other beliefs suggest that a haircut during pregnancy can lead to the fact that the baby will be born before the due date, shortens the life of the child.

Also, it was not recommended for pregnant women to comb their hair, only on Fridays. Otherwise, the assistant in childbirth, Paraskeva Pyatnitsa will be offended and will not help.

But in China there is another tradition - a woman, having learned that she will have a child, should short hair.

To believe or not to believe in these signs is the business of every woman. But it should be understood that they go back to ancient times, when all women wore long hair, and cutting them was considered the most powerful humiliation.

What do experts say?

According to the doctors in the waiting period of the baby, a woman can and should cut her hair, if only because it is one of the components of hygiene. After a long unshaved hair sooner or later begin to be cut and lose its appearance. And this is already a sign of their ill health.

In addition, the pledge of successful pregnancy is a good mood for the future mother. And what kind of mood you can talk about, if the appearance of a woman, mostly dependent on her hair, leaves much to be desired.

From a medical point of view, and according to the reviews of many women who have done a haircut during pregnancy, the decrease in the length of hair in the mother does not affect the health of the child.

Therefore, hair cutting during pregnancy is simply necessary. But this does not mean that you need to run to the hairdresser and urgently get rid of long hair. We are talking about at least the simplest procedures for trimming and refreshing haircuts.

According to experts in hair care, during pregnancy, the amount of nutrients and amino acids that enter the hair increases, and hair growth is increased by about 60%. But after the woman gives birth, her hair begins to fall out. Therefore, if you get a haircut during the gestation period, it will help to reduce the load on the hair, and after the birth of the child, it will be easier for them to survive the crisis period.

When to shear?

Before you make a haircut, you must choose a favorable day. This can help the lunar calendar . As you know, cutting hair is better on a growing moon or on a full moon. The hair after that will grow well. Even if these days just cut the tips of the hair, then immediately it will be noticeable how well the hair keeps the shape and shine.

Proceeding from all this, it can be concluded that the haircut of the future mother does not affect the health of the child, but at the same time it will greatly facilitate the care of the hair. In addition, a visit to a hairdresser can make a woman more attractive and cheer her up. But for the future baby is as important as his mother feels.