
Occasionally, the ringing in the ear does not bother anyone, and sometimes even cheers. But obsessive, unbearable noise, which is accompanied by pain, causes serious fear. Constant ringing in the head and ears can signal the progression of many diseases.

Possible causes of ringing in the ear

Most often, the appearance of such noise is influenced by the following factors:

  1. The narrowing of the blood vessels in the brain due to any pathological processes or the presence of cholesterol plaques. In this case, ringing in the ears arises from the turbulent movement of blood through the vessels.
  2. Inflammation of the auditory nerve or middle ear.
  3. Head trauma or brain damage. In the latter case, ringing in the ears is accompanied by a headache with migraine attacks. With head injuries, such symptoms, if any, last a short time, and usually go away on their own.
  4. Otosclerosis.
  5. Severe forms of otitis or exacerbation of its chronic form.
  6. Psychological stress, neurotic states. Noise at the same time causes depression, tearfulness mixed with irritability and aggression.
  7. Osteochondrosis of cervical and thoracic spine.
  8. Ménière's disease.
  9. Hypotension (constant low blood pressure).
  10. Neuritis of the auditory nerve.
  11. Hypertensive disease .
  12. The death of cells in the organ of the auditory analyzer.

In addition, ringing in the ears occurs with VSD - vegetative-vascular dystonia. Often he is a harbinger of nausea and a fit of dizziness, turning into pain syndrome. Feeling, as in the ears begins to ring, you should take a horizontal position, relax your body and try to distract your thoughts from everyday worries and difficulties.

Also worth mentioning are mental disorders, a symptom of which may be ringing in the ears. As medical practice shows, it is with this kind of extraneous noise that a gradual progression of schizophrenia and paranoia begins. The patient begins to listen attentively to the ringing, and then to distinguish in him voices and other sounds, each time an increasing number.

Ringing in the ears - what to do?

In fact, the treatment of ringing in the ears is impractical, because this manifestation of noise is just a symptom of some more serious disease. Therefore, in the first place, it is necessary to diagnose possible deviations and establish the cause of the ringing. In modern medicine, this is called audiometry. The study is carried out using an electronic device that responds to the incorrect or inadequate operation of the sound-receiving and sound-conducting system.

If ringing in the ears is too intrusive and significantly affects the general condition of a person, triggers sleep disturbances or worsens mood, weak anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, sometimes antibiotics. In addition, the effective use of physiotherapy procedures:

How to remove ringing in the ears with VSD?

Vascular dystonia is the most difficult disease to treat, since it is sometimes impossible to find out the causes of a malfunction in the vegetative system. Often its therapy is practiced by psychologists, trying to normalize the emotional background, increase resistance to stress and overload. During treatment, much depends on the patient and his inner mood. Compliance with the regime of the day, moderate physical activity and adequate nutrition will help, over time, cope with both the disease and the symptoms.