Laser retina coagulation

The inhabitant knows only a few ophthalmological diseases: cataract, hyperopia and myopia. In fact, eye diseases are much greater and many of them are associated with degeneration processes in the retina. Laser coagulation of the retina helps prevent such troubles.

Principle of laser retinal coagulation

The procedure takes place under local anesthesia and takes only 15-20 minutes by the time, but its results have a long-playing character. Under the influence of high temperatures, the doctor glues cells of the retina, can remove tumors, or accumulations of blood vessels located in an inappropriate place. In general, laser coagulation produces such an effect:

The procedure is applied both in critical situations, when there is a threat of complete loss of vision, and in general strengthening purposes.

Contraindications to laser retina coagulation

Contraindications to laser coagulation of the retina are many, and the consequences of non-compliance with all necessary norms can be very difficult. Among the most popular factors that should impede the procedure are:

Also with caution the method is used to treat people prone to conjunctivitis. For children, the procedure is contraindicated due to the fact that the process of growth has not yet been completed.

Advantages of laser coagulation is that it passes bloodlessly and guarantees a lasting result. But, like all operations that depend on the individual reaction of a particular organism, the procedure sometimes gives an unpredictable effect. Here are the most common complications after laser retinal coagulation:

The procedure for prophylactic laser coagulation of the retina involves a small degree of intervention, because it is usually well tolerated. Peripheral laser coagulation of the retina is a more serious exercise, therefore it requires examination by an ophthalmologist once a month after the operation throughout the year. Restrictive laser coagulation of the retina also needs to be controlled by a doctor, but usually does not entail unpleasant consequences.

If you decide on the procedure, you should consider that in the future you will have to comply with a number of rules that limit your opportunities. People who have laser coagulation should avoid physical activity, sports and lifting of heavy loads are contra-indicated. In addition, it is not recommended to fly often in airplanes and you need to strictly control the level of blood pressure. This will avoid the rupture of the shell of the eye and other unpleasant consequences.

Also, people who have undergone such an intervention should take more care of the ration, make sure that the food is saturated with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. An ophthalmologist should be examined at least once every six months. If necessary and no contraindications, laser coagulation of the retina can be repeated.