Visual impairment

Visual impairment may be a consequence of eye fatigue, a manifestation of hereditary predisposition or age-related changes, but often it is a symptom that accompanies another disease.

Causes of blurred vision

Conditionally these diseases can be divided into several groups:

Most often, vision impairment is associated with the development of myopia, in which the image is not focused on the retina, as occurs in normal vision, but in front of it. The reasons for the development of myopia include:

But you should not write off all the options for short-sightedness, but see how the deterioration of vision is manifested.

  1. Sudden deterioration of vision in one eye, may be a sign of acute blood flow disorders. Urgent consultation of the doctor is necessary, as at untimely treatment complete blindness is possible.
  2. Pain in the eyes, as well as the appearance of rainbow circles when looking at the light source, a sharp headache accompanied by increased pressure may be a sign of glaucoma. A visit to a doctor is also urgently needed.
  3. If there is clouding of the field of vision, and a violation of image clarity, regardless of the distance to the object, it is likely the development of cataracts.
  4. Floating before the eyes of the shadows, the sharp formation of a veil or veil, until the complete loss of vision is a symptom of detachment of the retina.
  5. If there is a worsening of vision at dusk - then there is a so-called night blindness, which can be caused by genetic disorders or lack of certain vitamins. It is treated by the planned order.

Treatment of vision impairment

In order to take action, it is necessary to first determine the cause of what is the deterioration of vision, as well as what character is. In some cases, visual impairment may be temporary, associated with fatigue. It occurs in case of overexertion of the eyes (for example, prolonged work at the computer) stress, insomnia, overwork. Reduction of vision in this case is insignificant, and disappears after rest and application of visual gymnastics. However, if the stresses and stress factors are constant, serious myopia may occur, get rid of which can only be through the operation, or correct the points.

But, even if the vision can not be restored completely, gymnastics for the eyes and the intake of vitamin fortifying complexes will help to stop the deterioration of vision in the case of nearsightedness. In the case of worsening twilight vision, vitamin A can sometimes be helpful.

If the decrease in vision is caused by other factors, there is a sharp deterioration in vision, or a decrease in vision in one eye, then it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, as this may be a sign of serious illnesses, often with irreversible consequences and leading to complete blindness.