Vascular sclerosis of the brain

Like any other organ, the brain is supplied with blood - the main source of oxygen for its normal functioning. Due to various disorders, the capacity of veins and arteries is reduced, which impedes the flow of biological fluid and causes sclerosis of cerebral vessels (discirculatory encephalopathy). This disease develops gradually and very slowly, which makes it difficult to diagnose it in the early stages and prevents timely treatment.

Sclerosis of cerebral vessels - causes

Excess in the body of lipids and cholesterol leads to the fact that on the inner surface of the walls of the vessels are formed the so-called plaques in the form of fat spots. Over time, they are joined by fibrin, platelets and calcium salts, and the proliferation of connective tissue begins. Due to the described processes, the lumen of the vessel narrows, sometimes up to the obliteration (complete overlap), and the blood does not have the ability to flow to the brain tissue.

Sclerosis of cerebral vessels more often occurs in the elderly, but it also occurs in a young population for the following reasons:

Sclerosis of cerebral vessels - symptoms

Characteristic clinical manifestations of the disease are headache and memory impairment. The last symptom is noteworthy in that difficulties arise only with memories of recent events, whereas a description of the earlier past does not cause difficulties.

Other signs of cerebral vascular sclerosis:

Sclerosis of cerebral vessels - treatment

As a rule, the disease is subject to drug therapy with drugs that normalize lipid metabolism, dilate blood vessels, prevent the absorption of cholesterol into the bloodstream, accelerate metabolic processes.

Main list:

Before treating vascular sclerosis, it is important to do dopplerography and get specialist advice to determine the severity of the pathology, the extent of damage to the brain tissue and the amount of cholesterol in the blood .

In severe cases, surgical intervention is recommended - stenting, endarterectomy and endovascular surgery.

Prevention of cerebral vascular sclerosis

Warn the development of the disease can be through compliance with the concept of a healthy lifestyle, normalizing sleep patterns, abandoning bad habits. In addition, with a tendency to hypertension, it is superfluous to be examined annually by an endocrinologist and a cardiologist. It is also important to adjust the diet.

Diet for Vascular Sclerosis

First of all, it is necessary to exclude such products:

It is preferable to give preference to dietary varieties of meat, poultry and fish, to replenish the diet with fresh herbs, vegetables, berries and fruits. Nuts and legumes are very useful for preventing sclerosis.