Asian appearance

The highlight of the charming eastern appearance is the eyes - seductive and mysterious, they fascinate with their beauty, captivate the men's hearts and, of course, never leave their possessor without gaze and envious.

What else beauties with Asian type of appearance can boast of, let's make a description and talk about the features of make-up for the brightest representatives of the oriental race.

Asian type of appearance - characteristic features

Eastern beauties are strikingly different from europeans. Their appearance is characterized by the following features:

  1. First of all, it is a yellowish shade of the skin.
  2. Rasskosye and narrowly planted eyes - this is one of the main features of the girls of Asian appearance. As a rule, their eyes are framed with rare eyelashes and have a slightly hanging upper eyelid.
  3. Expressive cheekbones.
  4. Neat little lips.

Of course, it's simply impossible not to pay attention to the exotic beauty of Asians. However, it is worth noting that an impeccable image of actresses and models of Asian appearance is not just a gift of nature, but the result of painstaking work, an important component of which is make-up .

Rules for performing make-up for Asians

Competently using cosmetics, every girl of Asian appearance can be turned into a Hollywood diva. To do this, you need:

  1. Moisturizing and foundation cream . Particular care must be taken to select the shade of the latter. Beige, golden, yellowish-brown, caramel colors are suitable for oriental beauties.
  2. Blush . With the help of this cosmetic you can add freshness to the face and adjust its shape a little. Ideal for Asians natural blush with peach, plum, bronze shade.
  3. Shadows . Cold and warm shades - look equally well on the beautiful slanting eyes of the women of the East.
  4. Wiring or pencil . It's hard to imagine an impeccable Asian make-up without a defined line of eyelashes.
  5. Mascara and lipstick . These funds are necessary to give a completed look.