What foods have a lot of vitamin B?

Vitamin B group consists of eight components, each of which is extremely important for our health. Thanks to vitamin B, our liver, nervous system, and organs of vision can function normally. Also, one can not do without a vitamin group for those who want to normalize their metabolism and improve the functioning of the digestive system.

To some extent, the importance of the question, in which foods there is a lot of vitamin B, can be underestimated by the assertion of scientists that the human body can produce this element on its own. But, as numerous studies have shown, the amount of such an independent output is inadequate.

Products containing vitamin B1

Especially often the deficit of this element is observed with a long-term low-calorie diet. The richest source of B1, oddly enough, is sprouted wheat grains. Also, there are a lot of it in the liver and bran. If you have sunflower seeds to taste, you will not feel the lack of this element.

On a mandatory basis, each diet should have the following ingredients: beans, potatoes, rye bread, buckwheat porridge . What is important, B1 - a water-soluble vitamin, so its excess does not threaten you.

Products with vitamin B2

A huge amount of this vitamin can be found in nuts. Also, nuts can be completely replaced by cereals, although they have a much lower level of B2.

If you are sitting on a vegetable diet, then for this element it is worth paying attention to cabbage and Bulgarian pepper. What you need to know, these vegetables should be tried to eat raw. If you choose from fruits, then B2 is a lot in apricots.

What foods contain vitamin B3?

This vitamin is also called nicotinic acid. To fill it in the body, you need to pay enough attention to beans, nuts, hard cheese, parsley, dates. Also, it is still quite a lot in products of animal origin: poultry, beef, eggs.

It is very important to ensure that there is no overdose with this element. This can disrupt the normal functioning of the liver and, eventually, you will begin to feel chronic nausea, a feeling of heat, the skin will become dry, attacks of arrhythmia are quite possible.

In what products is vitamin B5?

Especially a lot of this element in the liver, but its use can be completely replaced by products of plant origin. So, B5 is also abundant in mushrooms, green peas, corn and nuts.

Keep in mind that this vitamin is very quickly destroyed by high temperatures. Interestingly, it is also a lot in alcohol, sleeping pills and caffeine .

Foods rich in vitamin B6

It is quite difficult to admit the B6 deficiency in the body, since this common element is often found in both plant and animal products.

Vitamin B6 is abundant in green vegetables, tomatoes, cauliflower, bananas, potatoes, cereals, fish, meat, milk.

What foods are B9 vitamins?

This element is in sufficient quantity in yeast, beans, beetroot, carrot and wholemeal. As for products of animal origin, B9 is abundant in the liver, caviar, yolk and cheese.

It is curious that the body is able to accumulate this element, so if your diet for a short period of time excludes the use of the above products, then there is nothing terrible.

In which B12 products?

It is important to know that products and plants are not able to synthesize this element on their own for their own needs. But different animals can store it in their tissues, so it is extremely important that your diet contains beef, lamb, pork or poultry.