Aquarium Krinum

Aquarium Krinum - an elegant plant with dark green leaves, decorated in a rosette. This is quite an impressive species of vegetation for the aquarium . The length of the narrow leaves in the Krinum reaches eighty centimeters. Leaves, as a rule, are twisted, twisted, with wavy facets. Such their feature helps to distinguish a plant from others at once.

The most famous varieties of krinus:

Aquarium Krinum has a rich color and looks beautiful against the background of other plants.

The content of aquarium krynum

Care of the house in the home does not require special measures, it is important to follow certain recommendations.

  1. Vessel. For the successful development of the plant requires a tank with a height of 50 cm. This is because the crinum has a great potential for growth, it can reach a great height;
  2. Water. On the quality of water, the aquarium plant Krinum has no special requirements. Its temperature should be in the range of 20-28 degrees, acidity - 7 RH;
  3. Priming. As a primer is a mixture of sand or bottom silt. The height of the soil should be 6-7 cm, so the plant can easily take root;
  4. Reproduction. Krinum is bred using bulbs that appear near the main trunk. They can be separated and planted on the vessel away from other plants. When planting, the upper part of the bulb is left above the ground surface.

The growth of the plant is facilitated by increased circulation of water in the reservoir.

With the help of aquarium crinum, you can impressively decorate the back and side wall of the aquarium. This plant is great for creating a beautiful design in a pond.