What do guinea pigs eat?

Every living thing has its own characteristics, and guinea pigs are no exception. Fortunately, they do not need special care, just the owner of this funny little animal should understand that it refers to herbivores, so the main thing in their diet is grass, hay and mixed fodder. Other products are a good addition to food, but can not fully replace the main dish. Let's take a closer look at the issue of feeding our wonderful pets, who are especially interested in beginning animal lovers.

What can you eat guinea pigs?

  1. Grain . Professionals recommend giving pigs oats, although these animals also eat well wheat, sunflower, corn, barley, beans (peas, lentils), soy. If we talk about corn, then it can be offered to its wards in the cob until it reaches the milky stage. By the way, this plant is suitable for forcing, it has thick and juicy sprouts. If it is possible to get sunflower seeds in the milky-wax stage of maturity, then do not neglect them - it's a good treat for guinea pigs.
  2. Bread . Many people ask whether it is possible to feed these animals with ordinary bread. This product is digested in the stomach long enough and in large quantities even causes unpleasant fermentation. It is better to offer pieces of stale bread. Sometimes they are soaked in milk, giving to nursing females. But this product spoils quickly, and feed it in small portions.
  3. What fruits and vegetables do guinea pigs eat? They adore sweet apples in any form. Dried fruits can be pre-soaked or boiled. But do not forget to always cut the stains of rot on the fruits. Generally, it is desirable to offer fruits and vegetables in small slices. For one sitting, a pig is supposed to eat a quarter of a leaf of cabbage, the size of a finger of a piece of Bulgarian pepper, a leaf of lettuce no more than a palm, a circle of carrots. With exotic is better not to experiment, especially not knowing how it can affect the pet.
  4. Do guinea pigs need vitamins? In order not to invent your own formula, it is worth purchasing ready-made vitamin complexes ("Vita-Sol" or similar). Sell ​​similar products in pet stores. Also a good help in the matter of replenishing vitamin C is green grass or sprouted oats.
  5. Rough forage . Branches of wood and hay help to grind the teeth well and serve to support the desired microflora, they take out the slags well. In addition, hay spoils slowly and it can be in case of leaving the apartment for a long time to put in the trough with a margin. But you need to watch that it does not damp. Hay with mold is harmful to swine.
  6. How much should a guinea pig eat? Hay and grass let them be in the feeder constantly, like clean water. It is absolutely not recommended to starve guinea pigs. It is best to feed at the same time 2-3 times a day. The percentage of grain feed should be about 30% in the guinea pig's diet. To exceed this figure it is impossible not to provoke obesity.
  7. What can not eat guinea pigs? Exclude from the diet the following products: sausage, cheese, red cabbage, sweets, meat, unripe or overripe fruits, foods that have traces of mold or putrefaction. Milk is given to animals only during lactation. We will name some plants poisonous for guinea pigs - black henna, dope, celandine, poppy, lily of the valley, briskness.

Often these animals perish from carelessness of the hosts and feed, which they get from your table. Pampering them with chips, chocolate, fish or sweets, experimenting with the leaves of indoor plants, you risk killing your pet. Basically, what the guinea pigs eat, we told you. If you keep the cage clean and adhere to a reasonable diet, they will long delight you with their lively and cheerful behavior.